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"Wait! Zoey. Hold up!!"

I look back to see The art Director running down the hall towards me.
"Mr. Lee?"
"You really did take my advice.." he says handing me my notebook.
"Of course I did, your a real inspiration." I say grabbing it.
"I'm glad I could catch you in time to give it to you... "
"Thank you so much. I would have been worried if anyone else had gotten a hold of it.. "
"Why do you say that?" He frowns.
"Well if someone else saw my name on it...I'm  sure they would have found a way to make fun of me for it.. "
"I'd never make fun of you! Your such a bright and creative young lady." He says grabbing onto my shoulders reassuringly.
"I appreciate your help Mr. Lee."
"Nono, Call me Ten."
"I don't think that's appropriate -"
"Just Call me Ten."
"Well, okay. I'll see you tomorrow Ten, my aunt is waiting for me.." I awkwardly smiled.
"Of course I'll see you tomorrow morning.. Zoey." He says smiling. I nodded and fast walked out the building. And of course I could hear my Aunt honking her truck's horn like crazy.
"Zoey!? Where were you!?" Rose calls as I passed her. I slow down a bit to reply to her. She was with Felix who started to stare uncomfortably at me.
"Uh, I forgot my notebook. I'll catch you later, My aunt is getting pissed.." I quickly walked to the truck.

My Uncle's voice booms at me, "What in tarnation were you doing!?"
"I- I was talking to a teacher about an assignment I'm sorry.." I start buckling my seat belt.
"Alright.. I'm just checking. Wouldn't want you sneaking around with any boys now." He says with a soft chuckle as he drives off the school parking lot.
"Of course not. I'm not 30 yet."
"Right, Your not 30. Good job Kiddo."
"Anyway where is Aunt Kate?" I asked.
"Sick.. So she sent me to pick you up.."
"Why? Don't like your ole' Uncle!?"
"No I was just surprised she got sick.."
"I know, I'm suprised too. But shes strong." He states.
"Of course."

8:00pm that night

New Message from: Unknown
???: Hey Zoey!

Who is this??


Oh, Your the New Aussie kid right?

Yeah, that's me.

How did you get my number..?

Ohhh Right. Well Rose said something about her winning a bet and told me to tell you..

Of course she did.. Well you can delete my number you've done your job as messenger.

You don't like me? Haha.

It's not that I don't like you, I promise.

Then what is it?

I just didn't think you'd want to talk to me.

No, I think your really cool.. I want to talk to you more. That is if you don't mind..?

I don't mind.

Great then it's settled we are friends now.😊

Rose. Is she really going to make me kiss the art director!? I mean he's a very young and handsome teacher.. But HES A TEACHER. Not only that, but he's... 27 and I'm 17. Even if that's somewhat young and such, That's still 10 years..
I don't know if she should continue this bet.. I should have gotten onto her this time. Damn it. Maybe with enough coxing I can get her to let off. I sighed staring at the ceiling. I hate living like this...
Speaking of Mr. Lee, he gave me my sketchbook back. But I thought I already had it in my bag..? I quickly get up and grab my sketchbook. Softly, I flip through the pages looking at all my failures. Until I stumbled upon a new page of art. It was a bunch of weird objects mashed together, but it was mesmerizing nonetheless. I smiled and looked at the next page. It was a pretty sunflower that was blowing in the wind. It was cute to see such things, but I didn't make these.. I looked around the two pages to see a little Ten signed at the edge of each piece of art.
"He drew in my book?" I said curiously, "But why?"
I flipped to another page. And to my surprise it was a picture of me on the ground with a hand on my throat and someone lips on mine. To top it all off, the bottom of the page had a couple of words:

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