Extra #6: Fall out

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I know I'm too weak on my own..

So it's a given I had to ask for help, I guess it really did benefit me to have someone like Changbin..

"Wait? You think you can kill me like this?! Using that?!?!?!" My father says in rage.

He wasn't just angered at me, but he was even more so because of a white golden blade that had descended onto the ground.
"What other choice do I have?" I rolled my eyes.
"Your a demon you can't wield it?! It will burn you."
"I'll do anything if it means I'll have you dead."
My father growls so loudly it creates a wind stronger than any human could stand.
It was true no one could truly wield it. The sword I was blessed with was none other than Micheal's Sword. So powerful no demon can even touch it without melting into ash. However what my father never considered was the fact I wasn't fully a demon. My mother was a human believer. Therefore I'm able to do things most demon couldn't. I will say that the sensation of the sword within my hands feels like I'm touching a hot surface. So cruel this is. But I was still lucky, The heavens had granted me one wish as descendant of Man. Man who was given mercy by God. Truly this was a compromise because of the way I was brought into such a world..

Lucifer began to attack with all of his might into his right hand. With that, I began to quickly move running towards open areas and blind spots. He Growls in pain and suddenly smacks me to the side causing be to fly a mile away into a boulder.
"You act like your going to simply win with some new toy. But you don't even no how to use it." I whence in pain as my hands began to blister. Fuck, I needed to get through this fast or else I'll end up burning my hands beyond recovery..
My father chuckles walking to me. I, without anymore emotion get back up.
"You threw me far in order to avoid close combat, but that won't do you any good." I stop walking to pull the sword up horizontally within both hands. I close my eyes and began to speak in tongues of Latin. Slowly the sword glows bright with pure light.
"YoUR- " He growls as I can feel him start to also accumulate a mass dark energy. After I had gained as much as the heavens would allow, I opened my eyes at My father who grew in size and who held a fist of dark light.

"I don't regret what I'm about to do." I stated.
"Nether do I."

Quickly without another word, I swing the sword casting energy out towards a raging bull like man with his terrifying bright yellow eyes. He dodges them without a scratch despite being large and full of surface area. And with all his being, he swings his right hand into the sword. Forcefully I began to push back shaking at the pressure. The air around us burst out making dust fly up into a circle. A circle of half dark and half light.  He starts to press harder which throws my balance off a bit.
"Your still to weak."
"Think again."
Loudly in the midst of fight, I began to call out the Lord's Prayer. My father's eyes widen and he try's even harder to break through. However, I start getting more energy with every-word, and soon enough The force pushes him back towards the bridge above the fires. I rushed there and before my father could come back to try another hand, he begins to get tired. He wobbles around trying to cross the bridge, trying to regain himself. Slowly, I walked up to the edge of the steps and threw the sword directly into his chest. With a bass filled scream he clutches his chest and trips over the edge into the fiery canyon below.

From there I backed up walking away. And as I walked away, various of kinds of Demons crawled there way to me calling to me.

"Your majesty."

And it was so that I had won. It's a shame I didn't do it on my own... but it's done. And now I'm able to go back, back again to Zoey. The only thing I cared about was her now. Nothing else. Not even the title I had wanted as kid was satisfying enough. No. I needed only her...

I'm on my way. As a different person, but still me all the same..

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