Extra #2

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Felix's POV

My patience is running low. Its been over a week and this girl hasn't even batted an eye at my efforts to make her life good. In fact even when I try to get rid of things that are toxic to her, she begans to complain!? Humans are so ungrateful and blind.
I spent the time away from her thinking of what I could do to make her break.. At this point Im willing to do anything at all..

One night, As I sat staring at her sleeping form, It all came also clear to me.
She has a crush on me.
Why didn't I think this way before!? Shes been giving me signs since the beginning by smiling and staring at me..I guess my senses are off.. All I have to do is get her to have an even bigger emotional bond with me. After that its all smooth sailing from there.. Oh this will be fun. I can see it now. That look on her face after she realizes that she has been betrayed. I love to hear the screams of the innocent and the regret of the damned. But, something about watching a heart break before my eyes.. seems so interesting to me.
I smirked to myself as I slowly walked to her bed side.

"Are you killing her yet?" Haechan says walking to the otherside of the bed, his hands behind his back.
"Eventually. I just figured out my ultimate strategy.."
"Your fathers getting suspicious you know.."
"I know. It wont take long."
"..This human..is dreaming.."
"Right, you can see dreams.. I forget that.. What is shes dreaming of?."
"Shes dreaming about you..."
"Yes.." Haechan touches her hair softly, " Its a romantic one.. What did you put in her head Lix?"
"She did it to herself. So, Im going to use it to my advantage. Shes truly a tough soul, that I will say." Haechan lets go and glares at me with red eyes.
"Your father demands your presence."
"He says its important." I roll my eyes as we both teleport back to the underworld. A servant demon with a long staff bows in front of us. He speaks slowly with a high scratchy tone.
"The King asks you to come into his quarters, My prince."
I look to Haechan who shrugs.
"Take me there." The low tier demon takes me unto the long red walkway towards my fathers room. This walkway hung over trenches of lava and burning landscapes. This scenery behind it all was everything you'd image hell to look like. A beautiful firey environment.

After a minute of walking, the walkway leads to a big castle smothered in a onyx black pigment. The doors open forcing us to enter into the establishment. If you really want to describe the inside of the castle in human terms, it would be...terrifying. However for me it seemed like a normal and Ideal place to own... Obviously.

Soon we arrived at my fathers room after walking halls after halls. His room was pitch black as we stepped inside and the only thing we could hear was a deep growl.
"My king, I have brought you your son." The demon who had brought us says. With that my father's deep voice rings out booming.
"Your job is done. Get back to your post at once." The demon walks out quickly leaving Haechan and I in silence with my father.
He speaks to me, " Felix, my boy. Why aren't you finished with your human?" His long claws could be heard tapping against his chair waiting for my answer.
" I didn't wish to tell you.. But it seems you lead me no choice.. This soul bi-colored."
"I figured you found something..Why, Would you keep this from me? This is important to know.."
"I know. Thats why I wanted to keep it a secret.. I should have known secrets are no good with you."
"I have had no news of a soul like this coming into hell.. Meaning she is still alive. Why haven't you killed and retrieved my soul?"
" Im taking my time with this one. Its not usual to see a soul like this."
"I dont care what you do. But I want her dead by the end of this month at max."
"What do you do with these souls?" I asked.
"Bi-colored souls are important for our goal. To take over this world..and to rise above the one who send me down. My son, you must not fail. This is your last soul to prove to me your worth. I am truly proud of you for this. Soon you will take my place and become a great successor. That is if you bring me her soul. If you dont, I will banish you and throw you in with her."
"Yes sir."
"Your such an evil Kid Felix. Truly my spawn. Kill her at once, and be quick." I nod my head and leave walking out with Haechan.

"He didn't tell you everything."
"I noticed. Theres more to it.."
"How could he have known something was up?"
"Maybe another demon spotted me with her..who knows. Damn it, I needed more time.."
"You know he won't hesitate to cast his own son into the flames, right?"
"Of course, thats why Im getting impatient with this one.. Im going to make her truly regret every inch of her being and break her."

AUTHOR'S note:

Sorry for the delay and short chapter... This online school thing sucks! However, Im trying my best to get chapters as quick as I can so you can experience this story freely (being you probably have all the time nowadays Lmao)... If you get bored please check out my other works!! I promise they will keep you entertained too😏 Also come interact with me in the comments, Ill answer! Say safe my dear readers💖

~ skzenie

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