Infection & Rejection

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They say around the dusty green tree, happily, all except 10k. He sat leaning against the couch staring down at the bloodied old bandage wrapped around his right 'hand'.

The group looked happy, the happiest they had been in a while. Maybe even happier then when they found 10k again. They exchanged gifts with the widest smiles, they all knew each other so well. Every detail of their personality.

10k didn't know who he was anymore, he'd changed completely since pre z. He was now a killer. A cold blooded one. One handed cold blooded killer who was questioning his sexuality and feelings towards a guy. He now cussed. He's not a virgin anymore. Who was he now? He wasn't Tommy anymore.

As he stared down playing and plucking at the bandages, the group noticed his distancing and sadness. They loaded all their gifts to him into his lap with a smile. 10k slowly looked down and then at them. "What's this?" He asked curiously. "It's give gifts on Christmas...remember?" Addy said with a slightly worried look. 10k nodded in response picking up the first object wrapped in paper with his left hand shakily. "We made it easier for you baby boy" Warren said proudly as she turned to Doc with a smile.

He opened them all, they were all things for his sniper or gears for his slingshot and knives. His face frowned as he realised it was all useless since he'd lost his trigger hand. Finally Murphy handed him a small box, 10k's face showed confusion before he slowly opened it. Murphy smiled wide and kneeled on one knee "Thomas..will you be my boyfriend?..." he asked as the group turned to Murphy with shock and immediately back to 10k who was staring down at the promise ring Murphy had clearly made himself with old metals and engraved it.

Without an answer 10k bolted out the room, he ran outside and fell to his knees. His breathing became heavy as sweat dropped from his forehead. Of course the group quickly followed. "Ignore him, it was a cruel joke" warren said trying to lighten the mood while Murphy stood at the door feeling guilty. Doc looked over at him and sighed "hey kid, you okay? You don't look so good..." he said in a worried tone. It was true. 10k looked like a rotting corpse. Doc sighed when he got no response "maybe it's time we take a look at that hand?" He said as he stepped closer. They hadn't seen it in a while or checked up on it. But instead 10k had been changing his own bandages. Scared of the monstrosity beneath being seen by the others. He slowly turned to Doc with a slow nod, Doc gestured for the rest of the group to leave and they did.

Wrong but right (Murphy x 10k)Where stories live. Discover now