♥ Angelic Mess ♥

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While Jimin was dreading here... Taehyung was well... How do I say this... LOOSING HIS SHIT! 😂

"What if he doesn't even show up... Maybe it was a bad idea"

I said looking at kookie.. Who was glaring at me like he wanted to murder me... I swear he maybe a little younger.. But sometimes he really scares me!

"Hyung just stop.. We've been over this haven't we!?.. He'll show up."

Although I didn't get convinced by his words but like I said, sometimes I get scared by him.. So I sighed and started thinking about our discussion that happened 2 weeks ago... Yes! I've been planning this for 2 weeks.. Or should I say we've been planning it..


I was finishing up some office work when I heard my door bell and saw Yoongi hyung standing there awkwardly... He didn't say anything just came in sat down on my couch and just stared at me.. As if waiting for something or maybe someone!? Idk
So I waited for him to say anything but obviously he didn't so I just coughed to break the silence and finally he looked at me and gave me a sheepish smile and said something which shaked me to my core

"they know"

That's all he said... which made me whimper out loud..
He just stood there looking at me.. Idk what to do now... they all know..
All of them know
Wait ALL OF THEM!!???
Oh god this can't be happening!!!

"Hyung what do you mean all of them!?"

I asked almost too loud panicking... Who am I kidding I was dying.

"Oh my god hyung! He knows... He would be so disgusted.. Disappointed even... How will I face him.. What if he leaves me or worse what if he doesn't even talk to me...like ever... Or worse what if h-.."

I was interrupted with a scream coming from hyung

"Would you just stop hyperventilating and listen to me first"

I stopped because of the scream and the fact that he was stabbing me with his eyes.. So I listened to him as he suggested or screamed 
( but whatever 😅)

"Everyone knows except jimin"

Oh how I felt like I had just been lifted off from a curse or something.. After I sighed of relief... I got confused again thinking about how did they even.. The only person who knew was Yoongi hyung.. And that is only because
ONE. He saw me drooling... one fine day.
TWO. Id even know..

I cleared my throat and asked him.

"Hyung! How did they!? Am I so obvious?"

He looked at me and then started giggling like an idiot... Not being rude I love my hyung but I was being serious because if I was so obvious.. He would have noticed it.
I heard the giggles fading and hyung was trying to catch his breath... And then he spoke...turning serious all of a sudden.

"Remember how I was calming you down when we were at the studio!?.. Namjoon heard me.. So rather asking me he went straight to his boyfriend who was with hoseok and kook and then right after you left they came to me... And I really didn't wanna tell.. But you know how Jin hyung gets ... So I had to.. Sorry kid!"

I felt him being sincere so.. I just sighed and gave him a half-smile... As I was reaching his side I heard a loud bang noise and I saw my front door flew open..
And came my other hyungs and kook. Everyone was grinning at me... Or I rather say giving me a look that says ~Ha! Caught you~ or maybe I was just imagining things.
Suddenly I felt a whole godamn person hugging me... so tight that I may have died.. I saw Hobi hyung giving me his big sunshine smile

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