♥ Night To Come ♥

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My heart was beating so fast... I could feel his too...but I just couldn't stop.. So I just did it.. I leaned in and kissed him.And just as I thought..
Heaven it was!

[ A/N: Since it's their first kiss I want it to be in POV of them both.. So
Italics is Jimin and the normal text is Taehyung... Enjoy! ]

As I leaned in. I was met with his cold lips.. Which were more fuller and softer then I ever imagined. But I felt him stiffen at that.

God I made a mistake (I thought) .. I pulled back. Tears were threatening to fall out... And I couldn't look at him.
Why was I so stupid.. Look at him.. He's beautiful.. Why would he want you.?

But then I felt something soft and cold brushing on my cheek.. he was caressing my right cheek with the back of his hand... I finally looked at him he was giving me an assuring look and so, after a pause I kissed him again!

He kissed me... Why? What.. But Tae!?
Does he know.. What's happening.. Why would he kiss me.. A lot of thoughts were coming in my head but I was stiff.. As if caught in a spell.. But I wanted this.. But he stopped.. Why did he stop? Did I do something?? Why did he pull apart? Does he not want me...was this a "heat of the moment thing"!?

I thought and looked at him looking down..he had a guilty look on his face.. Why is he guilty. (Maybe because I didn't respond..You're an Idiot jimin I scolded myself )

So.. I took the back of my hand and caressed his cheek.. assuring him I wanted this.. He looked at me for some time and he pulled my lips towards his.

His lips were so soft.. And his breath was so intoxicating.. His warm wet tongue was exploring my mouth.. I was captivated in that moment. His lips were moving in sync with mine..
It was a slow tender kiss out of pure passion and love.. I could feel it.

Then he started sucking on my tongue which made me moan..he bit my lower lip. I gasped and grabbed his neck with my hands which were on his shoulder.. He has this bewitching aura and I couldn't contain it so I surrendered giving up the control and he deepened the kiss.

As I started kissing (again) he responded.. Oh how I've waited to taste him.. His lips perfectly fitted mine as if made for each other.. And I took my time to explore every inch of his mouth.. It was slow at the beginning but he was irresistible.

I sucked his tongue.. And God only knew how much I loved it..
He started moaning small whimpers between the kiss.. As I bit his plump bottom lip.. He gripped my neck tightly making me loose it completely.. I leaned in more my left hand pulling his face slightly towards me from behind as I deepened the kiss. He gave up control quickly and I just couldn't stop kissing him.. His soft..shaky voice leaving small moans here and there and I could see that his lips will become my obsession for sure!

[ A/N: Now its back to Taehyung's POV ]

As we pulled apart after a LONG kissing session.. catching our breaths I looked at the fascinating man in front of me.. Does he even realize exactly how beautiful of a creation he is.. And what effects he has on me.. Aah.. Park Jimin!! I saw him blushing and panting.. Did I went too hard on him? I thought.. But I still had something to ask..

So I gathered up the courage as his breathing became normal and asked him

"Jimin! Would you like to go out on a date with me!?"

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