♥ Unreal ♥

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It was 7:59 and I was outside his room. A little nervous to knock or ring the doorbell. I've been imagining this date going in a million possible ways but I didn't think about the nervousness that would come with it.
I had a bouquet in my hand they were
Baby's breath.. They remind me of him.

[ A/N: I think these flowers represent jimin ❤️]

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[ A/N: I think these flowers represent jimin ❤️]

I was looking at my phone and I saw the 7:59 turn into 8:00 and my heart started pounding even more. I balled up my fist and decided to knock instead of ringing the bell. I heard a fade..


..in his beautiful voice. I put my phone inside my pocket and waited looking down.. I heard footsteps coming closer.

The door opened.. And there he was breathtaking as ever.. Looking shyly at me. A smile on his face almost closing his eyes.. Ah! This smile.
His cheeks were tinted with a blush. His cardigan was off his left shoulder. Obviously his signature. His fingers were peaking from his sleeves.. Made him all the more cute. His hair were parted beautifully. And in all he looked ethereal to me. I couldn't stop gawking at his beauty. Aah! He makes me crazy!!! I don't know how I managed to keep my feelings hidden from him for 2 years!


He said blushing and hiding his face with his furry fists. He's adorable. I know I was a blushing mess too. But he was too cute.


I said with a stutter. Wow talk about being nervous. Way to go taehyung! I gave him the bouquet and he took it. Giving me his eye smile.. Damn this man!

"Thankyou! I love them"

He said

"They reminded me of you"

I said with a nervous shy smile. I felt like a teenager. Asking his crush to prom or something. I took a pause and then.

"Let's go?"

I asked nervously. Ofcource. He nodded and he locked his door. As he turned around. I realized there wasn't any distance between us. I could feel his breath on my lips.Him being a little shorter. I felt my heart leaving my body. But I backed off because I didn't wanna do anything until I officially ask him.. And I've already broken this rule today. But he has that effect on me.

We went to my car and got seated. But jimin couldn't put his seat belt on. And I had to help him. As I leaned to his side to get his belt. His hot breath was on my neck. I was losing it. I could see him holding his sleeves tightly at that. I guess he was controlling too. I grabbed his belt, and while putting it our faces were so close. I just looked away from his face. His heavy yet small breaths were teasing my cheeks. He was flushed pink and so was I. My face was getting hotter. I swear God was testing me.

[ A/N: No honey. I am 😂]

I finally got it. I adjusted back to my seat. God there was so much tension. I guess jimin realized that. And he played some music. I was relieved at that. Music did calm the tension a bit. It was an hour drive from our hotel to where I was taking him.

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