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Taehyung's POV

It was 3:30pm currently. Jimin is still sleeping and I have to wake him up. He needs to get ready for this evening.

The party is at 9:00pm but I have a surprise for him before that. Ofcource kook and the hyungs are helping. Maybe I take their advantage a lot. Hehehe. Maybe.

I want him to remember today forever.

When I ask him to be mine.

I haven't been this nervous since the day I took him out on our first date an year ago. But I'm pretty sure I'm more nervous today. I even thought that maybe I'm doing it too early. But hyungs assured me that its all in my head.

I got inside the bedroom. He's sleeping like a baby. His face is half covered with the blanket. Rest is covered by his silver hair. His small hands are making fists. He looks angelic. I don't wanna wake him up but I have to.

"Button.. Wake up. You have to get ready. "

I whispered in his ear. Slightly shaking him. But he didn't react.

"Chimmmmm... Wake up!"

I saw his blanket move a little. He made a pouty face. Ofcource I kissed his pout. He started rubbing his his eyes with his cute little hands and finally got up.

"I don't want to!"

"But baby we have to there's a problem in the arrangements. We have to be there a little early"

I saw his sleepiness disappear. He has been planning a lot for this party for a long time. Although he wasn't aware of some things. But he still planned it. I didn't wanna worry him. But I had to lie.

"Wh-What happened?"

"Idk.. Joonie hyung called me. Don't worry he's handling it for now. We just have to be there a little early"

"Oh! How early?"

"We'll have to leave by 4:30. You have to start getting ready. Okay?"

The drive was an hour long to the venue. But the venue isn't where I'm taking him.

He nodded. Stood up pecked my nose and left for the bathroom. He was still limping a bit. It'll be fine though.

I started getting ready too. I hope everything goes according to my plan.

We got ready and got in the car. He looked stunning. So handsome. I couldn't take my eyes off him. I could see him doing the same too. The gazing at each other happened for some time and stopped when he kissed me. And my already existing nervousness turned into butterflies. He always manages to make me feel like a teenage boy. It was a kiss of pure bliss. I took some deep breaths and started the car.

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