♥ Labeled Feelings ♥

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"No! I told you I can't do it... Please... I..I just...No"

I said I was trying to be stern but clearly that was not working on him.

"Oh c'mon Jiminaaaaaa... Please you said last night that you're okay with it... Why are you suddenly backing off"

He was right why am I suddenly acting like this, or maybe I've suddenly just got my senses back ! He started to question it but his thoughts got interrupted when the person on the line line started talking again...

"I'm telling you it won't hurt you and the feeling you get after is just indescribable... C'mon.. Please.... for me!?"

and well that was enough for jimin to give in and also laugh on his own stupidity that he  has actually agreed to do something he really doesn't want to!!
He cut the call and sighed.


"Hyung.... I agreed.. Why the fuck would i agree"

I was looking at Hobi hyung but in reality I was just asking myself.

"Maybe because you love him too godamn much"

He chuckled and I sighed because he was right... although he didn't know actually how much I really did love him... He just knows that it is a lot!

Well it all started an year ago!


We were finishing up applying for the jobs, well I was just helping him to re-check his portfolio.
Even though he got signed the moment they saw his work... But he still wanted to be sure to make a double-impression.. Idk 

I was waiting for him in my apartment and then the door bell rang... I quickly got up and saw this beautiful... And I mean beautiful man standing.
Or half standing because he was panting with his hands on his knees and he didn't even have his files and stuff with him... Which got me confused.

But what I also saw was his eyes.. He had his grey contacts and to say that he looks intimidating would be an understatement.. But NOT TODAY... Because I saw him with red and a little puffy eyes...
Like he's been crying...
I didn't know what to do so I just took his hand and led him inside my room on my bed and layed down with him....

And he started sobbing holding me... Which broke me because I loved him and he was my Friend 
(even though the feelings have maybe... And just maybe always been there... I never labeled them even in my head.... Until of-cource that day! When he came out to me!)

After much sobbing of probably an hour or so he stopped and I finally thought of breaking the silence

"Taehyungaaaaa.. What happened!? "

I looked at him with as much love and affection I can.. Because I knew he needed it and then he told me what happened.

"And so I came out to them... Dad said he loves me and accepts me.. But mom's been acting weird since I've told her a week ago... Minnie you know how much I love her right.. I need her approval and today she left a note on my kitchen's counter saying that she needs some time alone"

The boy said in one go... Obviously I had to react something... But I was a little taken aback because even though he always joked about questioning his sexuality... He never actually told me and now he comes out to me..In a situation like this... But he was hurting.. And I had to say something but he interrupted my thoughts (yes he does that a lot)

"What if she never comes back minnie... What if she just stops loving me!?"

Again i didn't know what to do so I just took his head burried it deep into my chest  as we  were already cuddling. (A habit)

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