♥ Breakfast Waffles ♥

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[ A/N: taehyung - normal text
and the italics - jimin]

After One year! ❤️

We came back home... Its gonna be an year since we became boyfriends. We got this apartment 6 months ago when one day I asked him to move in together.. He usually spent the night at my place anyway.. This apartment is near both our work places.

We just came back after getting some arrangements done for the party we are hosting tomorrow for our anniversary... Inviting everyone from taehyung's work friends to our parents... Idkw he wants to make a big deal out of it. but he is so excited... So I didn't question it...


I was in my own thoughts when I felt a firm grip around my waist..my back touching his figure and his right hand trying to get inside my tucked shirt, his left hand pulling my chin towards his neck.. a very hot breath around my earlobe, his wet tongue swirling on it sending shivers down my spine..
A small wet and sloppy kiss behind my ear

"Baby.. I want you"

As I was about to say something i felt his tongue reaching my neck.. which was followed by a bite... which made me gasp...


I felt him sucking on the bite which I'm sure had left a mark and then he licked it again..
His hand which was pulling me back  ununbuttoned the top button of my shirt.. Gently pulling it down of my left shoulder.. He moved his lips on my shoulder sucking on it, leaving marks on me.. I was loosing it.
He then turned me around to look at him. I couldn't.. And I know my shy face turns him on..

So He pinned me to the wall and bit my lower lip.. He licked my parted lips, sucked on them and got his tongue inside my mouth. His cold hands were now caressing my erected nipples. I couldn't contain my moans.

"tae~ b-babyy....AAH!"

The last one was a loud one.. Suddenly he grabbed my thighs and lifted me up


I made a loud sound again due to the abrupt gesture.
But I still managed to wrap them around his waist and my hands around his neck trying to hide my face as he was staring at me with eyes full of lust and love.. While I was trying to hide my face he carried me to our bedroom.

He firmly placed me on the bed and hovered over me. I was dying here... And looking away wasn't helping so I looked at him (shyly... being a blushing mess that I was) thinking about...

This man that I love.. Who has the most stunning and intimidating aura.. His looks can kill... They kill me everyday.. His cute boxy smile that he shows me often when I blush at the stupid but very cute pet names he gives me.... His pure heart which only has kindness inside... God how much I love this man.

Oh how he looked at me shyly.. He's so seductive when he's shy, looking adorable and yet it turns me on... I was just admiring this man. My man. who has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen.. Who laughs and even squeaks at my stupid jokes... His cute button nose which makes me wanna keep poking at it.... His squishy cheeks which always turn crimson when I call him cute names... And his lips..God those sinful lips... His full plump lips which have become my addiction.. I took my hand and just traced his face with my fingers. His beautiful features. God really took his time crafting him.. I thought..

"Yah! Taeee~ s-stop!"

He said in his whimpering voice.. Only if he knew what he was doing to me... I just wondered how can he be so perfect.
I got interrupted by a nudge on my shirt. Cute.  I realized I was still  staring.

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