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It felt weird. Different if you will. Knowing Mattia wasn't with Alex anymore gave me motivation, I guess. Motivation for what exactly? To get with Mattia silly. I think, I don't know. He's been extra happy though, but I'm not even sure I could ever ask him.

He prolly doesn't even like me lol. He said it himself, he couldn't love me Like I loved him. Couldn't pretend to feel something that shouldn't be felt, and I got that. So, was there really any point in trying? Alejandro and Alvaro been trying to make me do it.

I think they're just stupid, but a part of me thinks they know something I don't. Roshaun says to go for it, said he saw mattia dancing in his car the day he broke up with Alex. But that could've been anything. I don't know anyone that would dance after breaking up with someone. Then again, Mattia wasn't just anyone.

He was more than that. So much more than just the normal. Which was why it felt different. The week he was with Alex, he was normal, the moment he left her, he came back. The stupid, dorky, Mattia came back. Maybe that's why I didn't feel the pain altogether ya'know. Because deep down I knew it wasn't him?

"Thinking about your boyfriend?" Alejandro sang, as he peered over to me. I looked back at him and shook my head. "He isn't my boyfriend, and no I wasn't." He looked at me, and raised an eyebrow. "Sure you weren't. Kai, I don't see why you're still waiting. Get him while you can, before he's off the market."

I shrugged, "It's not that easy, Ale. You're talking to one of the most awkward people to ever exist. What would I even say? 'Hey Mattia, I really do like you. We should date.'" I mocked, "thats exactly what you should say! Look at you, growing up."

I face palmed, "No. No that's not what I'm doing, period." He groaned, "reminds me of Alavro. A stubborn midget." I scoffed, smacking the back of his head. "Sometimes I wonder what Alvaro sees in you." Alejandro smiled, "He loves me. Just as much as I love him. He's a good kid, and I'm just glad to call him mine ya'know? He really does understand me, just like how Mattia understands you. That's golden."

I nodded, smiling at the small outsider reference. "Yeah I guess so. Alvaro's really lucky to have you Ale. I know you've been dating for 2 years now but still, you're lucky he still loves your lame ass." Alejandro shoved me, making me laugh, which made the teacher glare at us, making us both quiet down.


Lunch was always good. Besides the crap ass food, it was good. What was even better was that Alex wasn't around. That sounds hecka rude but let's be honest...
Fuck that bitch.

(No hate✊)

"Kairi, you gonna eat that?" Roshaun pointed to my pizza, that was lowkey good doe. "Nah go for it." I pushed my tray over, watching him grab it and put it in his mouth. (Uhm ○-○ nvm)

"Then he took me to the movies, and then we made out." Alvaro smiled. Alejandro laughed, before shrugging. "Ew, but cute doe not gonna lie." Mattia replied, discreetly looking at me. Okay, maybe not so discreet, but he tried to be.
I lightly smiled at him, before turning my attention back to Roshaun, who was stealing my fries now.

"Uhm, hi Mattia. I heard you and Alex broke up." A voice intervened the laughing of the three boys. I turned and looked at her. She had black hair, and was pretty, and tall. Why everyone gotta be taller than me? "Hey Marissa, and uhm yeah we did, why...?" He trailed off, looking at us, before gazing up at her,

She smiled, "No reason really, I'm not one to say, but she's been making you sound like a huge dick, who cares for nothing but his body count." I widened my eyes, yikes. "Wait-what? No way! Hashtag Mattia Polibio is over party." Alejandro joked, making Alvaro shush him.
But it was kinda funny, Alejandro was more of the Stan Twitter. Iykyk.

"That's not true. She was getting with Derek anyway, Marissa sit, tell me more." Mattia ushered, making Roshaun scoot over, so I could, as she sat down next to me. "For sure. Hi, I'm Marissa." She greeted, "anyways..." and she spilt some tea. To be honest, Alex was not who I thought she was. Telling everyone, as in tik tok aswell, that mattia just wanted her for the nasty, to play her, was messed up in many ways.

"I thought I'd let you know. After all, it is about you, and no one deserves to get backlash for something they didn't do." Marissa concluded, getting up from her seat, taking a fry from my tray. People and my damn fries istg-

"Wait! Marissa, let's exchange numbers? Maybe you can tell me more you hear or something?" Mattia questioned, as she pulled her phone out. "Sure, I'll let you know if anything." She handed her phone to him, as he did the same, before returning it back to eachother.

I didn't understand why he needed her number, she literally walked up to him, she knows who he is, they can talk at school, no numbers needed. She walked away, Mattia sitting there in deep thought, as the three others went back to talking.

"You okay?" I asked him, bringing him back to reality. "No. That's wild, Alex really spilled unrealistic shit about me. It feels worse I had to find that out from Corey's sister." I nodded, "wait-Corey has a sister? Never even knew." I mumbled.

Maybe I was over thinking, and hear me out again, but mattia's been to cory's house, which means he's talked to this girl, which could possibly mean she was one of the girls Mattia's been with, or maybe I was just fooling myself. No one who dated Mattia ever talk to him again, other than....Jenna.

"Yeah, she's cool. Like a cooler version of you." He joked, and it still hit. "That wasn't very cash money of you..." I muttered, crossing my arms. "I'm joking. No one's cooler than my Kairi. No one." And somehow he's on my good side again.

I smiled, "she's like the girl version of you, only better looking." Mattia pouted, "That hurts cause it's true." I shook my head, "only jokes broski. Wanna come over and watch the walking dead?" I asked him, as lunch was finally over, and we all were heading to our three to last classes.

"Never could pass that offer." Mattia said, "Awe, because you wanna hang out with me?" I asked playfully, already knowing the answer to that. Of course he di- "no, cause Rick's kinda hot, and I wouldn't pass down the offer to see him on a huge t.v." I pouted, "to be honest, Shane is the way to go, by he's kind of a dick so-word. See you after school."

He nodded, kissing my cheek before walking off. I blushed, before rushing off to my own.

(TWD spoilers fr srry to the ones who read before 💔 hope u can forgive my naive younger self.)

"CAN'T BELIEVE RICK KILLED SHANE!" Mattia exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. I nodded, throwing my phone back down. "For real. Then Carl shot him, mad crazy." Mattia nodded, standing up, to stretch. We've been watching the walking dead for about 4 hours now, and not gonna lie I wouldn't have traded it for anything.

"Kinda sad doe not gonna lie." I agreed, stretching. Shane didn't deserve to die but oh well, ya'know. Before I could really reply to him, my doorbell rang, so I excused myself, heading downstairs.

"Hello-oh..." I paused, looking at who was at my door, in front of me. "I'm here to talk to Mattia."


Did I add myself in here? Yessir.
But I'm not the problem I promise, I'm not getting in the way of
TruE LoVe

And who be at Mr. Cosentino's door? Interrupting Mairi time smh.

Stay Gold💕

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