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"the boyfs finally show up to school! With this new schedule, graduation is out the window! Say goodbye to freedom, and hello another year in shitty ol school!" Robert greeted mattia and I so kindly when we walked to his locker.

"I would say what I would normally say, but I'm assuming you already know what I'm going to say, so I won't even bother." I spoke, punching his arm. Mattia closed his locker, "but I will, fuck you rob" he smacked Robert in the back of the head.

"I'm just looking out for my favorite boys! The amount of disrespect you guys give me is just not needed." Robert muttered, shaking his head. I laughed, "you know we're fond of you." he smiled his 'cocky-bastard' smile, and went on talking to roshaun about whatever it was they were talking about beforehand.

"Kai, I know graduations coming up in like a week, but I cannot stand being here. I would much rather be in my bed, with a nice bowl of cereal, cheerios by the way, watching the walking dead."

I shrugged at him, "sorry mattia, there's some things I can fix, and this is not one of them. But, schools let off earlier than before, so I think you'll last."

"graduation isn't that important, I have an amazing job already, I'm set." he muttered, closing his eyes, leaning on his locker. "tiktok is not a good job, nor an actual job." he grinned, "but I make money, like I said set."
I scoffed,

"while I'm the ceo of my own sickass business at 25, I'll be having my 25 year old boyfriend making tiktoks? Yeah, it's a no for me." he laughed, "imagine my sickass moves though. But fine, you've made valid points, tiktok can be a side thing. I'll be living the sugar baby lifestyle"

I shoved him, "you're an idiot, mattia! This would be the reason we're not together in the future." he gasped, "you never know. When you're 25 maybe you'd like a sugar baby to spend all your riches on, and I'll be there." he winked, slinging his arm around my shoulder as the bell rang.

"of course I'm only joking. If anything you'd be my sugar baby." I hid my face, as some bypassers looked back at us, confused by what they heard and I don't blame them at all, "we are not having this conversation. Especially right now, at school. Actually, we're done with this conversation, forever." I stated, pushing him into the class he had, before making my way to mine.


fuck you :(
we were having a great convo

we must have a different definition of great
pay attention to ur class, bru

but ur more interesting😩
wow, leaving me on read :/
i love u :(

I love u too


"ah, love is an amazing thing isn't it?" Alejandro spoke, putting arms behind his head, I looked at him, placing my phone in my pocket. "why are you trying to sound wise? you're embarrassing yourself."

🥀𝓐𝓬𝓽 𝓛𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓜𝓮🥀 𝓜 𝓐 𝓘 𝓡 𝓘🥀Where stories live. Discover now