9 Weird Habits of Writers

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If you're a writer, you already know that we're a strange breed of psycho. Seriously, us writers do some pretty weird stuff in our day-to-day lives that other people might find bizarre, disturbing, maybe even repulsive. So I'm here to tell you the nine weird habits of writers. Why not ten? Because I'm a writer, and I keep things interesting. Or maybe I couldn't think of a tenth thing. As a newbie writer, you may not be able to relate to all of these things, but I'm talking about writers who are in the thick of it; people who are so far down the rabbit hole, there's no turning back. If you're not quite there yet, this is where you're headed. Have fun! If you can relate to any of these, then congratulations! You're my kind of crazy. And if you can't relate to any of these then either, one, you're not a writer, or two, you're a lot more well-adjusted than I am, and I hate you.

by Jenna Moreci

1. Our hygiene is mediocre at best.

2. You will develop an unhealthy relationship with coffee.

3. Starvation is a normal and unintentional part of our daily lives.

4. Somewhere along the writing process, you'll eventually transition into a nocturnal lifestyle.

5. We become hyper-emotional about fictional situations that we've created.

6. We feel genuinely upset when people ask to spend time with us.

7. Leaving the house is the greatest inconvenience ever.

8. If we must leave the house, then we bring a writing device everywhere.

9. When we do socialize with people, we realize we have nothing to talk about.

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