Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: Nasty Habits

Sarisa POV

I had been on Star Killer Base for nearly a week now, which was a miserable experience to say the least. I couldn't even walk outside because the entire planet was absolutely covered in snow. And I hated snow, it was freezing and when it melts it gets everything wet. I preferred warmer climates to anything else, where I grew up there were warm beaches and brilliant pure blue oceans. I hadn't been to my home planet in years and I almost forgot what the landscape looked like. 

"Sarisa, are you alright?," Armitage's voice snapped me out of my trance. I was standing with him in a freshly destroyed control room, assessing the damage that was caused by Kylo Ren's latest outburst.

"Yes, I'm fine. I just got lost in my thoughts for a moment," I sighed and looked at the burned console,"He really doesn't seem to care about how expensive all this equipment is. This is absolutely ridiculous, Armitage."

He smoothed his hair back and nodded in agreement,"Yes, it seems his behavior is only growing more erratic and impulsive. We need to figure out a way to control his mood swings."

"The man needs to let off of pent up aggression. He keeps exploding whenever something sets him off because something always has him on edge. I think it's time that he and I had a chat, he's been avoiding me however possible all week."

Armitage chuckled a bit as we began to walk down the hallway,"He is avoiding you because he knows he is transparent to you. You see right through him."

"I see right through everyone, Armitage. I have a talent for reading people, it is one of my best qualities," the two of us stopped on a catwalk that overlooked the stormtroopers who were busy training. I leaned against the railing and turned my head to look at my closest friend,"I think I get him more than anyone probably. Likely it is because he and I are practically the same. There is an internal war inside of us both, between the light and the dark. You remember how hard it was for me growing up, Armi. I was always so scared of myself, I couldn't always control my strength and my parents didn't make it any easier on me when they sent me to Snoke. You're the only person I have always been able to turn to. I have someone I can rely on, but Kylo Ren doesn't have someone like that and I think it may be just what he needs."

Armitage sighs,"I know where you're going with this Sarisa and I really don't think it's a good idea. He's unstable and difficult to control.....I just don't wish to see you get hurt."

"I'll be alright, Armi. You know I can take care of myself."

A few hours later, I walk into a private training room to see Kylo practicing with his lightsaber. He wore a plain black tank top and black pants. I had changed as well into a plain black shirt and fitted black leggings with some netting along the calves, my hair now up in a pony tail which was a rare thing as I usually wore my hair down.

Kylo was clearly fully invested in his training to the point he didn't notice me approach the mat, but I smirked as I picked up small weighted ball and threw it at his back. As soon as it hit him, he spun around to face me, aiming his saber only inches from the side of my face. Once he saw it was me, he switched it off with a huff.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, Halos?," he walked over to a stretching bar and grabbed the towel he had put there. Kylo wiped his face clean of sweat before throwing it over his shoulder.

"I think it's time we had a more personal talk. I know you hate my guts and you have since you met me, but I can't help wonder why you decided to despise me so vehemently. I don't really understand it and I want to. I only started giving you a hard time because I sensed the hatred from you the moment you saw me," I walk over and stand a foot away from him with my arms crossed.

He grinned and chuckled a bit,"Why do you care whether or not I like you?"

"Because I am probably the only person around here who understands what you're going through everyday. I sense the conflict in you, the pull to the light. I feel it too, I always have and that's why my parents sent their only daughter away at such a young age. I was practically raised by Snoke and he forced the dark side down my throat until I complied. Yet, even now, I still question it from time to time," he gave me an inquisitive look. He was obviously surprised by my admission of uncertainty,"It's true, I wonder what things would be like if I had followed the Jedi path, the path that coincides with the light. Let's be honest, letting rage fuel our every action isn't in our nature because we are human after all. Being human is about so much more than anger and hatred, there are good things that we all long to feel because it's human nature. It is natural for us to want to feel good emotions like joy or love."

There was a long pause between us, a long silence that seemed to go on for several minutes. It was honestly the longest time we had ever gone without saying a word to one another. We'd never even been alone together this long. That's when I started to notice this sensation in the force, a tingling connection between the two of us that I could explain. It was like something was tugging at both of us to pull us together. 

"You don't understand anything about me. I long to be free of this pain, yes...but if I let go of that pain, then what would I have left? I have nothing else to hold onto, I have no one. You, on the other hand, you have Hux. You have someone who cares about you and will actually sit down to listen to your bullshit, but that's mostly because he wants to get in your pants and you're too oblivious to notice the way he looks at you. That is what makes it so fucking funny to me, you think you're so good at reading people and everyone is transparent to you, yet you can't even tell when someone wants to fuck you," Kylo growled a bit as he stood in front of me and practically cornered me against the wall,"You're so oblivious that you haven't even noticed the magnetic connection between us. That's why I hate you, I want you so bad that it drives me crazy and you're too blind to even fucking notice it."

My eyes widened in shock at this confession, my heart starting to pound wildly in my chest. Had I truly been so blind to this powerful connection between us? Was this the real reason that Snoke sent me here? Because he must have sensed it through the force, there was no way he could possibly be blind to it. Although, obviously I had been completely clueless so there was a slight possibility that Snoke had no idea. 

"Kylo, I....How long have you felt this?," I ask as my confident facade began to melt away as his hands met my hips.

"I sensed it the moment I laid eyes on you for the first time. I didn't understand it and to be honest, I still have no clue what it means. I hate you because I don't know how I really feel and I hate having one more thing in my life that I'm unsure about," he inched his face closer to mine,"But I am starting to think that might not be such a bad thing."

And with that, he engulfed me in a passionate and fierce kiss that set my whole body on fire. I couldn't help but to melt in his arms, the connection between becoming overwhelming as it seemed to only grow stronger between us. 

He pulled away after a few minutes and leaned his forehead against mine. I couldn't resist the urge to crack a smile,"That wasn't how I pictured my day going, but I'm definitely not complaining."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2020 ⏰

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