I'm Low on Gas and You Need a Jacket Part 4

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We finally arrived at the cabin. It was a nice, simple little cabin. It was nicely decorated on the inside, and it obviously had all the facilities I needed. The weird thing was, there was only one bedroom.

“So..where am I going to be sleeping?” I asked as I put my bag down in the bedroom.

“You’re gonna sleep on the bed!” Vic put his bag down next to the one dresser in the bedroom.

“And..what about you? Where will you be sleeping?”

“Oh..uh…I thought we could share the bed?”

A few months back I had admitted to Vic that I was starting to form some feelings for him, and now he’s more in love with me than he supposedly was before. As much as I liked him, the idea of sharing a bed with him was an umcomfortable thought. Unfortunately for me, I didn’t like to make big deals about how I felt about things or if I thought it was stupid to make a big deal over. So I decided to go along with it.

“Oh….alright. Do you mind if I take a nap? I’m really tired from the jet lag.”

“Oh sure, no problem! I’ll just go to the lake or something while you sleep.”

“Alright,” I said as I climed into the bed without hesitation, “wake me up in a couple of hours, okay? Don’t let me sleep past 3:30, because then I won’t wake up.”

“Okay, I’ll remember that,” he came over and kissed my cheek, “I’ll see you later.” He smiled at me, and then left me to my nap.

It took me a little while before I fell asleep. I then had this weird dream, and my dad was in it. You know those Fiat 500 commercials where the cars drive off the cliffs and into the ocean? Well I was in a car with my dad, and we were coming up to this bridge, and he faked a turn on me, and said, “Oh shit, we actually turned,” and drove off a side road off a cliff and into the river below. We bobbed around in the water a couple times, then I realized that I could open my door easily. So I did, and climed out, and then yelled, “Dad, get out, we gotta get outta here the sharks are coming!” So he got out and we swam back to shore, but when we got out, we weren’t even wet. And that’s when I woke up to Vic shaking me, and saying “Lindsay, come on wake up, I’m making supper soon.”

I opened my eyes and saw Vic sitting at the foot of the bed, his hand on my leg, shaking it to wake me up.

“Uuuugh, alright. I’m awake.” I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost three. “What are you making?”

“Actually, I’m just going to order a pizza. What kind do you want?”

“Uhm,” I stretched and rubbed my eyes, “just cheese, please.”

“Wow, plain Jane over here.”

“Not as plain as that sandwich you had that one time.”

“Don’t judge me,” he said as he stood up.

“Don’t tell me how to live!” I replied, jokingly of course.

“I do what a want, fool!” He threw his arms up in the air and took a big step closer to me.

“Same here, bro!”



“I’m gonna go order that pizza now!”

“You better! Because I’m fucking starving!”

“Yes ma’am, right away ma’am, whatever you say ma’am,” he bowed down to me as if I were a queen and left to order the pizza. I decided to get out of bed and join him.

I'm Low on Gas and You Need a Jacket (a Vic Fuentes fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now