The kitty and the bug sitting in a tree

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Ok so first off I would clear up that the previous was just a dream. The idea was given to me by jana_mahmoud to make that and I made it into a dream. Second of all, I am ecstatic that people are enjoying my stories!! I love reading and replying to everyone's comments so thank you!! That's all for now. I promise that I will make really long chapters from now on. Enjoy this chapter!

Kleo laid on her air bed wearing her fluffy bee pyjamas. She looked over next to her and saw Lee asleep. She sat up straight. She was struggling to sleep and she didn't know why.

She walked over to where Marinette kept her miracle box and found the miraculous she brought from the future.
"Hello my Queen," said Pollen with a cheerful smile.

She looked over and Jonas rolled over. He appeared to be having a nightmare. She walked over to him and remembered the trick her mother taught her.

She whispered the words," I'm here to protect you. The nightmares can't harm you," into his ear and quickly walked back over to her kwami.

"Why do you show your true colours when no one's looking?" whispered Pollen.
"Enough! Pollen, buzz on!" hissed Kleo.

She quickly scanned the room before leaving the room and making her way to the Eiffel Tower.

"Mummy! Look! It's Ladybug and Chat Noir!" the 5 year old version of her said, pointing at the heroes.
"Yes sweetie. Come on, we must buy you back to school clothes," sighed Chloe as she grabbed hold of the girl's hand and led her away from the Eiffel Tower.

*end of flashback*

Kleo shuddered. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up on end like soldiers in the military, awaiting their orders.

She wasn't alone.

Someone was there.

"You can show yourself," urged Kleo. A figure came from the shadows.
"Hello daughter of mine," smirked Chat Noir.
"You really have an attitude as your alter ego," scoffed Kleo. "It doesn't suit you. It's like wearing a green dress and orange heels. Doesn't go well."
"Harsh," whined Chat Noir. "Besides, it's not like you can talk. You wear three different perfumes that when mixed together smell like you just came from a perfume factory."
"How dare you! I shall have you know that my perfume is more expensive than your bedroom!" shrieked Kleo.

Chat Noir laughed.
"Like mother like daughter," he smirked.
"I'll make you see that Chloe is the perfect match for you! That's it! No more gentle pushing. I swear to god, if you don't date Chloe you won't have any golden hair of yours to make you a model!" threatened Kleo.

"Isn't that cheating?" asked Chat Noir.
"So?" scoffed Chloe. "Everyone has to cheat to survive."

Suddenly, her feet felt numb. She shook away the feeling.
"Are we in agreement?" growled Kleo. Her legs began to feel numb.

"Why am I-"

She looked down and saw she was turning to dust. A piercing scream came from her lips and she faded away.

Chat Noir stood in shock.
"K-K-Kleo?" he stammered. "W-Where'd y-you g-g-go?"

The next day, Jonas woke up and felt a massive pain in his chest. He began coughing, spluttering and wheezing. Lee woke up and stared at him, feeling the same pain.

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