Anna's Bio

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Name: Anna Skywalker
Age: 30 (in TRoS)
Species: Human
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Dirty Blonde
Hairstyle: Natural and down or in a braid
Clothing: Resistance issued clothing, flight suit, or Jedi tunic
Traits: Stubborn, Loyal, Strong
Flaws: Stubborn, no one can change her mind. If she disagrees with something she'll make sure you know, She works too hard and skips sleep a lot
Talents: Quick reflexes, Force sensitive, trained Jedi, piloting skills
Hobbies: She sings when she's alone, Resistance stuff takes up most of her time, Hanging out with Poe, Jess, and Snap
Secrets: Her romantic relationship, what really happened to her leg
Friends: Poe, Jessika, Snap, Finn, Rey, Rose
Family: Luke Skywalker and Aria Solo (Parents)
Leia and Han (Aunt and Uncle)
Ben (Cousin, but like a brother)
Lover: Guess you'll find out! 😉
Reputation: People expect her to be very responsible and careful, but she can be careless when it comes to taking risks. She is more like her mother than her father. She does what she has to for the sake of the Resistance. (And she wasn't nicknamed Sasswalker for nothing...)
Jobs: She was a pilot in very high ranks, but she made bad decisions on a mission and was making unhealthy choices. So then she was swapped to mechanics. She misses her A-wing
Possessions: Scrapbook, lightsaber, padawan braid, kybercrystal necklace
Songs: Gasoline by Halsey and The Resistance by Skillet

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