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Warning! This chapter might have something you Taekookers might not like. I'll leave a warning and ### before that part. skip it if necessary. In the end of the part I'll put ### continue from there.

Remember that everyone has opinions and as fellow human beings we should respect other people's opinions and choices. So don't report just because you saw something you don't like in this book. Thank you. Enjoy!


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"Fuck! What is this?" Jeongguk gasped out after downing the greenish liquid handed to him. His throat burned and his mind became foggy the moment the strong alcoholic liquid entered his body.

"Good, huh? It's called Ricky's monster blend" The bartender, Ricky, as Hoseok had introduced him as earlier, chuckled throatily.

Jeongguk nodded in agreement. He could feel the numbness creeping up his body, the alcohol taking its effect.

Yoongi chuckled from beside him while he watched Jeongguk groan and chugged down another glass of the green liquid.

It was never the intention of Jeon Jeongguk to leave his home that Friday. He just wanted to curl up in his bed and think about Taehyung while he cried. Just the way he had been doing the whole week and it sounded like a plan to him.

But Yoongi apparently had other plans. He had dragged Jeongguk to Hope Club, saying it would help him get over Taehyung. Jeongguk had denied, saying he was busy but Yoongi knew that busy meant he was going to drown himself in sheets and pillows and cry himself to sleep.

So he ended up following Yoongi here and now he was on his third shot of Ricky's monster blend. He was very much drunk now. The loud bass around him had faded into a distant hum and he looked around the crowd of men and women who danced together.

He could see Hoseok, arm around a girl as they danced. Well, Hoseok danced and the girl just moved. Jeongguk had never seen a person who was better than Hoseok at dancing. Jeongguk stole a glance at Yoongi, who also was watching.

"You ok?" Jeongguk asked.

"Yeah" Yoongi said. "Why wouldn't I be?"

Jeongguk inclined his head to Hoseok's direction.

"Him?" Yoongi chuckled. "We aren't dating. He always hooks up with other people. I don't mind"

Jeongguk nodded. He suddenly got reminded of the day he met Taehyung here. Jeongguk was with Jackson, dancing and he had seen Taehyung glaring daggers at them. Then Taehyung had approached him and dragged him across the club and kissed him. Jeongguk had loved it. Loved making Taehyung jealous. If that could even be called jealousy.

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