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Guys this book had surpassed 100k reads omg😭😭😭 I honestly didn't think would reach such a huge audience 🥺thank you, all of you

Guys this book had surpassed 100k reads omg😭😭😭 I honestly didn't think would reach such a huge audience 🥺thank you, all of you❤

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The Seoul skyline contrasted against the pink and purple hues of the evening sky creating a beautiful scenery as the sun ghosted behind faraway sky scrapers. Vehicles rushed about in the labyrinth of highways, trying to get inside the safety of their homes before darkness took over the city.

Jeongguk would too be setting off by now if it wasn't for the pile of work surrounding him. And an associate of him sat in front of him in his office couch as both men discussed business. Jeongguk flipped through a document he was handed as he listened to the other man describe to him about the project he wanted Jeongguk to participate in.

After the meeting was over, Jeongguk sat in his surviwal chair of his desk and read the document thoroughly. He was fully concentrating on it when the door of his office opened and his Secretary, who's also his best friend, Min Yoongi walked over to him.

"How did it go?"He asked.

"Sounds like a good deal. We have a lot of benefits. But their company is so small I don't know if we should participate in something organized by such a small and unpopular brand" Jeongguk said.

"If we agree on this, their brand will surely be so much more popular. That's what they want after all"

"Yeah obviously" Jeongguk chuckled.

"Our sales had increased drastically in the last month, by the way"Yoongi said.

Jeongguk looked up at him in surprise. "Really? Any particular reason for that?" Then he started checking his mail.

"Well...we've decided that the only reason for that could be because of what happened with Tan Corporation last month...their sales decresed and ours..." Yoongi trialed off.

Jeongguk looked up at the mention of Tan Corporation. "Oh" The painful tug at his heart didn't go unnoticed by Jeongguk.

"Jeongguk I've been wanting to ask you"Yoongi said, "How are you managing this?"

"Managing what?"

"You know...it's been two weeks since you and Taehyung last talked to each other"

Jeongguk smiled. Yoongi didn't need a PhD in psychology to say that the smile was forced. "I'm not, Yoongi. You know that" Jeongguk whispered.

It was true. Jeongguk wasn't feeling well. He hardly slept. He distracted himself by working his ass off. He avoided anything to do with his previous lover. Jeongguk felt suffocated every night without Taehyung. He felt so lonely. It felt so unnatural to go without hearing his voice. Jeongguk knew it was hitting him harder than last time he and Taehyung broke up. The realization that this is permenent-

ENEMIES WITH BENEFITS-TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now