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30th chapter already!!!!??? this book had been getting amazing love and support and I'm really thankful for all of you

oh and in the last chapter in case some of you guys didn't realize....Taehyung was having a panic attack.

Taehyung was having a panic attack

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Jeongguk's back hit Taehyung's soft mattress as the older laid him on it gently. Jeongguk was grinning ear to ear, lips stretched in to the widest smile he could form, his bunny-like teeth out and he just couldn't stop smiling. Happiness overflowed him. Taehyung was no different. The older unwrapped his arms from around Jeongguk and hovered over the boy, also smiling fondly at the younger. His eyes were twinkling with love.

Jeongguk didn't think he'd ever been this happy in his life. His love had just told him that he loved him back. There was no greater happiness for Jeongguk. Especially after being departed from his lover, heart-broken and depressed, he couldn't help the giddy feeling that was bubbling up inside him like water from a spring.

Jeongguk never thought he'd be able to hear Taehyung say the words 'I love you' to Jeongguk. The reality felt like too much of a dream to him.

Taehyung leaned down on Jeongguk and gave him an Eskimo kiss-a brief touch of noses that had Jeongguk giggling and Taehyung looked down at him with so much love that Jeongguk thought he was going to combust.

Taehyung leaned down to kiss Jeongguk again- this time on the lips and Jeongguk immediately closed his eyes as his lover's hot lips met his cold ones. Taehyung kissed like a dream. It was one steeped in passion that ignited. His kiss was a promise; a promise of love and trust. It was mingled with just enough roughness and primal desire that existed within every human. He opened his mouth to slip his tongue in, and almost on instinct, Jeongguk did too. When his rival's wet muscle entered his mouth, exploring and demanding and Jeongguk's body jolted with arousal.

But the kiss was love. It was fiery and longing and everything Jeongguk had missed. When Taehyung leaned his whole frame down, Jeongguk could feel his scent mingling with his own, flooding his senses and it was a drug. And Jeongguk was addicted.

Taehyung's kisses were Jeongguk's salvation and his torment. He lives for them and he'd die with the memory of them on his lips.

When they pulled away, breathing heavy, they looked into each other's sparkling eyes. And Jeongguk knew, the man above him really loved him. Really loved him for him. He knew all of Jeongguk. He loved Jeongguk regardless of consequences. There were no words needed to explain that. For Taehyung's chocolate orbs spoke the words in a thousand different languages. And Jeongguk would want nothing more than to give his all to the person that looked at him like he held the night sky in his eyes. Like he was the most wonderful thing that had happened to him in his life.

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