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I'm just gonna jump right in. But first, shout out to dpryoongi for always encouraging me to continue throughout my other stories and hopefully all to follow. But please enjoy this chapter.

Little warning: talk of abuse
I know, first chapter right? Crazy.


I woke up in a hospital bed, not really knowing where I am. I looked around a bit but something caught my eye. The tall looking guy with bright red hair sitting to my left, asleep in a chair that didn't look very comfortable.

I could feel his hand on mine because of how much warmer my left hand was than my right. I shifted my hand a bit which caused him to wake up. "Oh, you're awake, how do you feel?" He asked in a sleepy sort of frantic tone. I took me a minute to collect anything I could remember and answer.

"I- I feel pretty ok, um- who are you again?" I was more confused than alarmed by the strange dude in my hospital room, which again, by the way, I have no idea why I'm here either. He stood from his chair to help me sit up a little to see him better. "I'm Gerard, my brother and I brought you here." He answered with, extending his hand for me to shake it. "Y/n, nice to meet you." "Likewise." He replied with a smile.

'I wonder if he'll tell why I'm here' I thought to myself. "I have a question," I said. He automatically turned his attention towards me, signaling for me to continue. "Can you tell me why I'm here?" He looked a little amused by concerned.

"My brother and I were talking a late night drive when Mikey, my brother, saw you on the sidewalk. I pulled over and we both got out to see what happened." I looked a little surprised but also intrigued. He continued, "When we got over to you, you weren't breathing and you were bleeding. We didn't know why you were there but we took you to the hospital anyway. I'm glad we did as well."

He chuckled a bit before I respond, "Yeah, I am too." I laughed a small bit before an even taller boy walked in. He had the same hazel eyes Gerard did, but this boy was blonde. "I knew I heard someone elses voice, I'm glad you're awake." He commented. "Hey Mikes" Gerard had said to who I could only assume was his brother.

'So you're Mikey' I thought to myself, or I meant to at least. "Yes I am, did Gee tell you about me?" Damn it, "Oh, damn. Did I say that out loud?" I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks, shit. I could see Mikey lightly blushing at my comment. "I'm Y/n, by the way."

There was a little moment of silence in the room until Gee spoke up, "Ok, so I was told that if you woke up today, which you did, you could get out of here." He had said in a cheery tone. When he said that I visually tensed up, which confused the brothers greatly. "Are you ok? I thought getting out of here would've been a good thing." Gee asked, concerned. "Well, in my case, it isn't." The brothers just looked at each other, more confused than ever.

"The reason I was lying on the sidewalk that night was because of my boyf- well ex-boyfriend, Alex. He and I were together for about 4 months and happy, at least I thought so. The building I was laying in front of was my apartment building, where Alex and I lived together. We went out that night and got into a fight on the way home. Alex got super mad and got...........physical....with me. "

After I finished that sentence Mikey walked closer to my bed along with Gee. Mikey was the first to say something, "You mean he hit you?" I slowly nodded my head as it hung. "And he didn't stop." I added, "Not until I was on the ground, struggling to breathe."

Gee looked speechless, baffled even, and completely caught off guard. "Anyway, what I'm getting at is that I don't wanna go back." Almost immediately after I said this Gee piped up, "We'll go with you." He said quicky. My eyes widened at the thought, "Really? You would do that for a random girl you've never met before? " "Absolutely, no doubt." Mikey replied.

*Little time skip*

Gee and Mikey went to get the nurse and doctor after our conversation. They got me ready to leave after checking a few things and talking with me for a bit.

"So, how do feel Miss l/n?" Doctor Burdenhart asked, calmly. "I feel great, better than I expected to be completely honest." He chuckled and wrote something down on his clipboard." Well I'm gonna be right back and I'll have a prescription you'll need to take with you, it's just some pain killers. " He informed me on. I was pretty thankful for pain killers, they're one of mans greatest inventions. Seriously.

*Time skip brought to you by Gerard's hair*

I was on my way out the door with the two brothers heading to there car. I'm guessing it was Gee's because he booted his brother to the back with me.

"So, first stop. Ex boyfriends apartment." Gee announced

Heck yeah! First chapter, 851 words! Longest chapter I've ever written for a story and it's 3:20 am at the moment. Holy crap, ok I hoped everyone enjoyed this chapter and always thanks guys, gals, and non-binary pals and stay tuned for chapter two!

Bella the gay emo

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