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Quick updates, I've got the absolute opposite of writers block. I'm gonna update this one more cuz I can. Just read.

Y/n POV:

I woke up in bed with the man I just had sex with the night before. He was sleeping peacefully as I was staring at his face. His hair was flopped over his eyes in an adorable way.(hehe) I checked the time and saw that it was 10:30 on a Saturday, my favorite day and time of the week.

I tried my best to get up without waking up Mikey but it didn't work. He pulled me back in and tightened his grip on my waist. I groaned and asked, "Can I shower please?" He nodded and got up only to pick me up bridal style and carry me, naked, to the bathroom. He set me down on the counter, grabbed two towels and got the shower ready.

Once it was ready, I jumped down from the counter and got in the shower right before Mikey. He put on a random radio station on his phone and just let it play.

After a few minutes of kinda just holding each other, a song by My Chemical Romance came on and I started humming the tune to myself as something dawned on me. I looked at Mikey with a suspicious look on my face as I asked, "Did I get fucked by the bass guitarist from MCR last night?" He contemplated that question before saying, "Yeah, I guess you did." I just nodded and rested my head on Mikey's chest.

I didn't notice it before but Mikey had removed his arm from around me to grad a bottle of shampoo and squeezed it on my head. I looked surprised and offended before taking the bottle from him and doing the same to him and before he could do anything else I started washing his hair. He did the same to me and moved on to conditioner before handing me the bottle.

We finished our shower and got out to dry off. I ran into our room and stole a pair of his sweatpants and a sweatshirt before running downstairs only to have him grab my waist at the bottom of the stairs case. He was wearing a different pair of sweatpants but no shirt.

I was giggling as he tickled my ribs and tightly wrapped his arms around my waist and resting his chin on the top of my head. I looked around the room we were in and noticed that we weren't alone. I saw Gee sitting on the couch with what looked like two other guys. Looking a bit closer I realized that they were non other than Frank Iero and Ray Toro.

"Well, good morning. Did you two enjoy yourselves last night?" Frank asked with a smirk on his face. I looked up at Mikey and saw the he was the brightest shade of red I have ever seen. I giggled at the fact that he was blushing so harshly.

I looked back at the guys and say that Gee had the most disgusted face on the planet. Shit, was he awake when we..? Dammit. "You ok, Gee? You look like you're gonna puke?" Ray asked, not knowing what Frank meant.

Gee was glaring at Mikey, who had the most inocent smile on his face. I dragged Mikey to an empty chair in the living room and sat down with him. We sat in an awkward silence for a few minutes before Mikey asked Gee, "So, how'd you sleep big brother?"

Gee glared at us and said, "You two are the loudest people I've ever had to share a house with. I was awake you assholes." Everyone bursted out laughing except Gee. "It's not funny, how do you think it felt to have to listen to my brother moan through the fucking walls!?? It's not a good feeling!" We both apologized to Gee a said we would be quieter next time.

"I have to ask you one thing though," Gee said, "You used a condom, right?" We nodded as a viable wave of relief washed over Gerard. "Good, I couldn't have my little brother getting his new girlfriend prego already, right?"

I kinda just looked at Mikey after Gerard said the word 'girlfriend'. Am I his girlfriend? Do I want to be his girlfriend? Of course I do, and I'm sure he feels the same. I got up and asked Mikey to come with me, I needed to ask him something. He looked puzzled but took my hand anyway as I led him to the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" I looked at him and straight up said, "Ask me to be your girlfriend so I don't have to and so we don't have this 'what are we?' conversation." He nodded before getting down on one knee(what a dork) and asking, "Y/n, would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" I chuckled before responding with, "It would be my pleasure, Michael." He chuckled while getting up and kissing me softly.

Mikey's POV:

Hell yeah! Y/n is my girlfriend! I knew she would be mine at some point and I'm so glad it's now. We walked back into the living room, hand in hand, obviously walking in on a weird conversation. "Captain America would totally kick Batman's ass if he got a chance." Frank stated, confidently. "There's no way, Batman would absolutely mop the floor with Captain America. He's just a weirdo on steroids with a trashcan lid. Batman has strategy." Ray retorted, highly annoyed. "I gotta side with Frank on this one." Gee butted in. "I'm gonna side with Ray here." I commented. We all just kinda looked at y/n for the tie breaker. "The Italian has it here." She said bluntly. Gee and Frank cheered for their victory as y/n just smirked at me. I rolled my eyes as another stupid conversation went on but I wasn't paying much attention to it. I was to busy staring at y/n and admiring at how well she was getting along with everyone. God I love her. Shit, did I just say that?

Ha! Cliffhanger and kinda just a filler for now. It's 3 in the morning and imma go to bed now.

Anyway, thanks guys, gals, and non-binary pals and stay tuned for chapter five.

Bella the gay emo

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