new salad dish . 0

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"haha! you threw it behind you!" my friend shouted, as he began to burst into laughter.

"aah! s-sorry! i'll go get it!" i yelled out to my friend i was specifically suppose to throw at as we both and a few others were playing catch together. i didn't knew why i had thrown it backwards, like as if my body had reacted on it's own. we were in a small baseball field playing catch in the sun. nonetheless, i chased after the small ball that fell over behind some bushes surrounded by trees all over the area. as i began to search for it there was an unexpected boy around my age who had found it first. "u-um excuse me!" i called out to him, grabbing his attention.

"is it yours?" he asked, puzzled, staring at me directly with a serious expression and tone. quickly i realized he was somebody new and different in my hometown. even though i was just a sixth grader who was an idiot for not paying attention to simple details or changes, i felt like i just new from instinct right away. he had dark hair like me, but was pushed back revealing his forehead unlike mine.

i've never seen him before. i thought nervously as i nodded to his queried. my stomach began to strangely ache as i stared at the boy's dark brown eyes. never had i ever thought a boy like him ever existed. i slowly approached him, putting both my hands together to form a cup-like shape. presenting it to him to put the ball in my hands.

i froze to my surprise the boy understood immediately without words, and acted just as i wanted him to. what really made me froze after that moment was that he was the first person i felt that truly understood me. even if the action was predictable and easy to understand. i have never met this boy, doesn't know a single fact bout him, and yet i felt like i've known him forever. i had no idea what was going on inside my head but... i didn't wanted to leave just yet.

"you're new around here right?" i asked, waiting for a response. the boy only nodded slowly, crossing his arms to straighten his position. "what grade are you in?" i asked another question, hoping i could hear his voice again. as if it had been years since i've heard it. even though it was a just minute ago.

"i'm in sixth grade. you too right?" immediately i nodded with a smile. i felt so strange and happy i had no idea what these emotions were. the weather was so sunny, but hiding underneath some trees in the shade felt even more relaxing and exciting, especially with this new person. i felt my face heat up the more i stare at his beautiful face. hoping the shades from the trees were shadowing them away from the mysterious boy. his presence felt exciting yet as if i needed to be on guard. my stomach began to ache even more the more i thought of him.

"what's your n-name?" i asked nervously, stuttering at the end, as i started fidgeting while holding the ball. before he even had a chance to say it we were interrupted by one of my friends screaming out my name from the field.

"goku! did you found it already!" by their tone my friends were getting impatient and bored. repeatedly shouting out my name for an answer. i had been out longer than i intended to all cause i met this mysterious boy.

"y-yea! i'm c-coming!" i shouted right back, cupping my mouth to make it louder for them to hear while still holding the ball in one hand. having to turn away from the boy so i didn't had to yell at him directly. when i turned back around, he was gone. w-where did he go? i thought, anxiously looking around the area. wanting to see the boy again. as if i had loss something so precious and valuable.

i ran back, anxiously to be yelled at again for taking too long to search for the ball. quickly i made up a lie to cover up the truth of me discovering the boy i had just encountered.

as two years passed by, i was now in eight grade. in my thoughts i secretly thought of the boy constantly. scared if the boy i had met was some ghost in the forest close by the field my friends and i had played. but a part of me denied that possibility, urging to be able to see him again. my dream came true. when he had appeared at my school as a new student.

he appeared as a new student in my class. after seeing his face again, for what felt like ages ago... i was relieved that he was there, standing feet's away where i was siting. i was filled with happiness. i wanted to get up and talk to him, but wary if he did not recognized me or cause a scene. i wanted to talk to him so bad. hear his voice again. i didn't wanted to lose him again.

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