celery . 4

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"so, what on hell's sake got you drained out causing you to passing out on the way home, vegeta? tarble says you were in the gym doing some sort of running 'pacer test'?" it's only fucking wednesday. i am not ready to take on the day. i fucking wished school hadn't started back up again... i've already messed up my sleeping schedule. this is such a hassle.

"yes." i responded as i slowly devour my breakfast. i didn't have a large family so i never knew why we needed such a long ass table to do our dinning, but as long as i'm away from my dad i guess it's alright. "the school wanted to start out gym tests at the beginning of the week before separating out everyone in groups. they wanted to test everyone so they can put them all in fair groups based on their scores."

"do you know which group you'll be in? i would assume you'll be in the top group, no?" my father queried, giving me a stern expression as he finished his breakfast. luckily, my brother interjected and replied for me. at least my brother has a heart who doesn't expect too much from me for every little thing. mom never did too...

"i'm sure he'll be in the top! number one of course, haha! so i don't think you should worry bout it too much, father!" tarble lightly chuckled to exclude out any tension in the air between me and our father. we both never got along very well. especially since mom died two years ago. it feels like i'm living with lucifer himself.

"well i sure hope so." he said as he began to stand up from his chair, "it's time for you boys to head out to school now. your driver is already outside waiting." my father added, as he exit the room. the servants then went to clean up his area, along with mine and tarble's as we began to leave the table to pack up our things for school.

we lived in a very large house- mansion i guess is the word-, with butlers, cooks, and servants to do our bidding. even have our own taxi driver. it's cool i guess, but sometimes i wish we lived in a more normal house, in a normal neighborhood, with normal neighbors, and rid of all this rich shit. it's cool my dad being all successful and stuff, but it really starts getting into you when your own father prioritize's his own job over his damn kids.

"how do you think school will go for you today, brother?" tarble queried, as we both were seated inside our 'taxi' on our way to school.

"horrible as usual." i replied, gazing at the car window with my arms crossed, looking out at our pathetic lawn, our pathetic house, and our pathetic neighborhood of all shits. i hated where i lived if it wasn't obvious, but some people don't pay attention to that do they?

"oh brother, you need to try being more optimistic!" tarble stated, wary for my mental health. he knows i've been more down and cold since our mom died, and with the horrible arguments i'll have with my father. additionally, with my poor misbehaved attitude and actions. there's no point. i thought as i ignore him, keeping my gaze outside as if i hadn't heard him. "come on," tarble began, "maybe being more optimistic could get you closer to him." get you closer to him... i repeated my brother's last words in my head. feeling my negativity light up a bit and my mind quickly being clouded about the one i really admire most... kakarot.

"i don't think it'll make a difference anyways." i quickly stated, not trying to get ahead of myself. it's impossible. he probably doesn't even remember me when we met in the forest... i said inside my head, already feeling my emotions going downhill. why the fuck am i always like this? so... negative.

"it was him right? during the pacer test? you two were neck on neck until you both dropped dead when the bell rang! that's something right? i'm definitely sure he's acknowledged you, brother! no need to feel down." tarble comforted me as he landed his hand on my shoulder. assuring me everything will be alright with a bright smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2020 ⏰

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