green beans . 3

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"alright you will all be separated to four different groups. to make it easier you'll be assigned with your grade. each group will be doing either push-ups, sit-ups, or the pacer test. any group unfinished will continue on tomorrow along with anyone who is absent today. any questions? no? wonderful." one of the coaches quickly finished out as he was then replaced with another coach.

it's the second day of school and i'm already am excited to start on my test for gym. something i definitely look forward twice each year. the day went out the same as yesterday. since it's the beginning of the school year, the teachers are going easy on us, and not giving out any extreme worksheets or homework to do thankfully. another thing that i look forward everyday is seeing vegeta. additionally with a better view in math. i still can't get over it...

"i'll like for freshmans and juniors on the right side of the court. you will be doing the pacer test. juniors please be seated on the bleachers, the freshmans will go first. sophomores will be doing push-ups, and seniors will start with sit-ups and..." the other coach continued ordering around the students on where to go. i was filled with joyish excitement i couldn't stop shaking.

"are you alright goku? you don't ever seem to be the kind to get nervous when we do gym tests..." my childhood friend krillin said, with a worried expression.

"huh? oh!- haha sorry. i'm not nervous- i don't think. i'm just really excited! i'm going to do my best to beat my score from last year's test!" i replied with a big smile on my face.

as we were finally paired with our coach's, everyone had to get paired up with a partner to count their score. since we were sophomores, we had to start with push-ups. obviously krillin and i teamed up, along with tien and yamcha being a pair. ironic how in lower school they were the biggest rivals everybody knew around wanting to never work together, but now they're the best of friends and they do everything together! crazy how time flies too...

after we've started i went ahead first and krillin counted for me. i'm surprised he managed to keep up with me going up and down repeatedly in a fast pace, not breaking a sweat. "woah goku! you were so fast! you went up to 134!" krillin exclaimed with admiration.

"at least i went over 130 haha! alight your turn krillin! give me everything you got!" goku encourage his friend during his turn. after a minute had passed i was surprised by krillin's improvement. "woah krillin you got 117! way more than last years!"

"haha thanks! i've been training throughout summer break! i wanna be able to catch up to you dude. you're improving too fast! wait up for me won't cha!" we both chuckled and waited patiently to tell our scores to our coach.

"my, goku! you're quite fast! none of the students but two managed to get past 100! you and another student managed past 130! outstanding!" this peeked my interest when he said 'another'. had another student really had the same score as i did? i then asked with curiosity to my coach about it. "oh? well it's says here his name is vegeta." vegeta... i repeated his name in my mind. as if time had slowed down for only a few quick seconds to allow me to admire him in my thoughts. "it says he made it up to 136. quite impressive in just only 60 seconds..." the coach stood shocked, still speechless on what to say next. a little later he was interrupted by other students who eagerly wanted to start onto the next task, and continued writing down everyone else's progress.

with the same partners, we continued with the test within 60 seconds again, but this time it was sit-ups. possibly the most easiest thing to pass in gym in my opinion, but what trilled me with such excitement was being able to start running soon. unfortunately with such an overload of students, things surely took their time. freshmans had just finished and juniors were bout to go. this could be enjoyable to watch. i said to myself as i went ahead to take a seat in the bleachers, after my group had finished with our set.

i watched with eagerness and excitement as i watched the juniors prepare themselves to start. along with the group was by brother raditz. he's a pain in the ass sometimes, but he's really awesome when it comes to running... i'm surprised that huge load of hair doesn't slow him down... a side of the other juniors we're simply non other than frieza's gang and himself included. i've never liked them despite frieza being a literal dick and someone to watch out for. simply, don't get on his bad side. unless you wanna make trouble.

before i knew it, the pacer test began and half the juniors were either running or slowly jogging. after some time a few juniors we're done for but what got my attention the most was-

"oh ho ho ho, how unfortunate. i could always try better next year.~" it was frieza. he may make it look like an accident but truthfully he wasn't the running type. hell he would always get away from avoiding to do laps out in the field. i'm still surprised how the coaches let him of so easily... several minutes passed by, and my brother was the last one. instead of trying to go all the way, the coaches cut him off early for the seniors to go. this pissed him bad for sure- but i'm glad he's upset with the seniors. if my grade was up next he would non-stop torture me until the end of the week.

although, it wasn't long until the seniors finished. i guess they weren't so much for stamina since they kinda looked a bit more wiped out. guess they put all their energy into the sit-ups and push-ups instead. i guess they must've thought class'll be over soon, and they'll be right if the coaches hadn't ended my brother's running.

with only a less then ten minutes left in class, the coaches set off everyone to go change before the bell, but us sophomores were left to do the pacer test. heck i ain't complaining. so i went ahead to line up on the line, along with krillin and the others next to me. right when the pacer started, i started light jogging in a simple pace. this continued until it was lap 15. i quicken my pace with my friends happily right by my side. after a lil while up to 45 yamcha and krillin backed out, at 50 tien did, and before i knew it everyone was gone. except for one. v-veGETA!? i panicked- immediately i straighten my head and to stay focused. h-he was still running, but not from a distance- he was running right next to me!

i can still feel myself panicking and slight feeling my face going red with him so close. i could hear his breathing, so close to feeling it- he was so close to me... so close then i've ever thought was possible. i continued running right by his side, feeling his rhythm breathing. i was beginning to lose my ground with almost a slip and slightly not making it. i should drop out now... i thought to myself with my gaze almost clouded from exhaustion and my legs starting to burn. making my running out of rhythm. before i even had the thought of quitting he spoke to me.

"come on, don't leave me hanging." i don't know where it came from, but a sudden boost of energy came to me, and i was back in control in my rhythm. never did i thought vegeta would dare speak to me during this test, but if he didn't wanted me to end. then i wouldn't. i glance at him to see his expression- he was covered in sweat with his face bright red, but he was smiling... that's the only reason i needed to continued.

before we knew it, out legs broke out when the bell rang. heck i didn't knew how far i got into that pacer test but i sure was bombed out. vegeta and i both were. i ended up being dragged by my brother, Raditz, and vegeta ended up getting some help from a friend i suppose? he looked a bit like him so i suppose it might've been a relative.

whatever. i'm tired and i just wanted something to eat- i'm starving!

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