apple pie . 2

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as we gather up in our first class, i went ahead and sat by a desk next to krillin's somewhere around one of the middle rows in the class. the desks were aligned in rows with a few feet apart. although, since most classes are different the desks arrangements were always a surprise to everyone every year on the first day. while the rest of my friends sat by closely it wasn't long until when i spotted where vegeta was seating as he entered the room.

vegeta is a delinquent caught in doing something reckless with other delinquent students. either it be him with a gang of the other older school students bullying a younger student in the halls, outside the school grounds, or even rumors with him with hitting on girls privately. those stories were the most interesting ones on top if everything, of course. however, even with his bad attitude and actions, he wasn't a 'dumb' student to what few thought. instead, he was a genius who aced all his classes. well... except for math. a delinquent, a genius, and one with handsome looks... who wouldn't fall for him? he was seated up in the front row. where to me lay a perfect view shot from the side.

before i knew it, the first class was over. during our first class, our teacher simply did roll call, gave us our schedules for the year, and went over some of the yearly taught school rules and policy's. after all that, my friends and i headed out to our addressed lockers to hang-up our bags. the lockers were set up by grades. luckily my friends and my lockers were right by each others. i had a top locker, along with bulma being just a few lockers away from mine. krillin's and i were neighbors! his locker was right below mine.

"what classes do you guys have next?" bulma queried, as she scanned through her schedule with an expression of deep thinking. nodding at the classes, rooms, teachers, and time of when each class started and ended. "not a surprise for me being in IT there~" she said with delight, pointing it with her finger on the piece of paper her marked on an IT class. she cheered with glee.

"i have chemistry next and to no surprise that i'm in SST as always." krillin spoke, as he stared at his schedule sheet with a worried expression. "what about you goku?" krillin looked up to hear my response. i looked down to look at my schedule to only soon noticed i had almost the exact same classes as krillin's. as i showed it to him, he smiled with a nervous laughed. "oh what a relief! i was afraid i would be mostly alone in this year's classes haha..."

"oh come on, krillin. no need to be afraid. it's been the same for the past years, and i highly doubt it'll ever change. besides we might be in the same classes with bulma, tien, and yamcha!" i said with a proud smile, excited to see what the day would bring me. especially hoping to see vegeta in the same classes as me. vegeta... i thought, dreaming of him in all my classes. especially him sitting right next to me. oh that would be a dream come true!

"uh, goku?" i snapped back to reality to only turn to see tienshinhan. i gave a welcoming greeting as if my spacing off hadn't happened which gave him a puzzled look. he shrugged it off and asked me about my thoughts for the day, and what classes i had upcoming. soon enough i was greeted with launch after tien had left, and went on my way to my second class. along with seeing my pig friend, oolong on the way.

while the day went on ahead i realized one downfall realization in one of my classes. i had none of my friends in my math class. none of my friends had the same math class as me. i had figured i would've be with yamcha like always, but unfortunately he never came around. math was one of my weak points, but luckily i at least knew what two plus two is... fish.

as i waited patiently for the class to start while students were filling up the room with noise, everything began to suddenly slow down when i laid eyes on the one and only:

"vegeta, you may sit over there by that young man." the teacher addressed him to an empty seat left, as most of them were already occupied. i gazed at him as he looked so bright in my eyes. am i going blind? everything seemed so bright and at peace with me staring at his beautiful looks... he seems to be coming closer... and... closer? wait- "now class, take one of the notebooks laying on your desks. since there's two of you in each table, there should be at least a pair of notebooks for each. you can decide on who get's what color i don't care. now, i would like you to please write down..." i can't believe this. am i dreaming? vegeta... h-he's right there! next to me! seating right next to me! never had he sat-

"hey." he spoke startling me. "is it fine i have the blue one?" he queried, glaring at me with soft gentle voice. his eyes lock with mine as he held onto the blue notebook.

"y-yea." i nodded immediately, assuring it was alright. vegeta said a quick thanks and began writing down what the teacher had ordered. while grabbing for the leftover notebook i was surprised by the color. it was orange, my favorite.


never had i ever seen vegeta look so stressed over on what seemed to me one of the simplest questions of the book. as math class was proceeding, i began to glance over once and awhile to look at vegeta, observing his expressions and reactions to each problem. i would smile every time when he shows a face of 'ahah! i get it now!' or 'oh i remember it now!' it looked so adorable. how could you not adore it? unfortunately, class came to an end that left me in despair. oh i had not wanted this to end so quickly. my frown quickly went upside down when i realized my next class was SST. my favorite part of the every school day, and what a better way to have it to end for the day, too!

i rushed my way to greet up with my friends who i knew would be attending. "hey, goku!" it was yamcha! i greeted him immediately with a bright smile and relief as he, and i entered the gym together. as we walked in, we saw tien and quickly went over to sit next to him. a minute later till krillin came in and joined us. it wasn't long before i saw him.

"what in the world is going on over there?" yamcha queried, puzzled by the sudden uproar of girls screaming and squealing by the gym entrance. it was the newly freshman girls squealing over vegeta... and his gang of friends.

"we shouldn't stare. let us focus on the class soon to began." tien advised us, but how could you not stare? it was the center of attention of the whole gym room. you could see not only the popular juniors of the year, including my brother within, but vegeta right behind them. as far as i knew, he was the only popular sophomore that hanged around with the juniors and seniors. other than bulma who was incredibly rich because of her father's inventions, and some money donated to the school.

"oh, ho, ho~. my, my vegeta. look at how nice the freshman are here to introducing you. how cute. make sure to say hello back.~." vegeta's eyes narrowed and looked away avoiding eye contact, along with clicking his tongue with his hands crossed. perhaps i might be the only one to notice from afar, but i could tell he wasn't too much fond of his group leader, frieza. i'm not too sure myself with the knowledge i incredibly lack, but i would do anything to be willing to lend a hand.

"alright, that's enough! everyone of you in the bleachers now! today we're..." one of our coaches greeted getting right away onto the task of hand. something must've happened to get him into a bad mood... oh i wonder... a little while later we were given our own gym workout clothes- which were just white T's with black gym shorts. after that, we were taken to our addressed gym lockers inside the restrooms, and given our locker combinations. after almost a good hour of getting all the students their cloths and lockers, the coach began speaking again. "well now, it's almost the end of school. tomorrow we will began testing, and after that start off with groups based on your scores. hope everyone gets along well... when the bell rings, you are dismiss."

"well that's the first day for you i guess." krillin said, as he laid back by the bleachers below his other three friends.

"do you think testing going to be a competition just like the recent years?" yamcha queried, with a curious and nervous tone, looking nervous but excited at the same time. tien nodded to yamcha's obvious question.

"we'll have to do our best to lay low if we want to avoid making a scene, attracting the attention of them. fail purposely if you must." i wined in protest of objection. it is my duty to do my best no matter what, but i knew there was no way into convincing tien with my own ways.

time went by quickly until the bell rang. everyone got up from the seats, grabbing onto their backpacks and heading into the carpool or bus. i waved my friends good-bye as i began walking my way back home. until suddenly-

"hey kakarot." it was my brother raditz. "i think we may have some unfinished business from earlier this morning. don't you think?" i gulped in fear, and ran as fast as i could back home. with my brother behind my tail, i ran with my life on the line.

it was a good first day.

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