Title: Why Is That?
Genre: Poem
«»«»«»Why is that everyone
seems so happy?
And here I am hoping
I'll be gone tomorrow morning.Why is that everyone
seems so hopeful?
While I, on the other side
is wanting to just die on purpose.Why is that
there is love
then pain?
Are we getting played?Why is that you love her
but you chose to murder me for loving her?
Where is my thank you
for watering you,
for waiting beside you
when the time comes she come back to you?Why is that nobody care
to hear me?
Was it because I'm not worthy?Why?
Do I deserve nothing but pain?
Why is that?×××××
This one is my favorite! Thank you for reading!
Calm and Chaos
Short StoryCompilation of short stories, side stories and one shots.