Chapter 23

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They finally made their way to the apartment after the longest journey they've just had. Hlobisile was in another level due to her upcoming hormones but Manqoba managed in that. He was kinda thankful that the morning sickness were totally over on his side, thanks to the Doctor.

Manqoba:You like it?
Hlobisile:(smiles) Like it?Are you kidding me?I love it,thank you so much
Manqoba: Anything for you baby Mama
Hlobisile:(chuckles)Stop calling me that, Manqoba this is really awesome
Manqoba: I'm glad you like it,the driver will be here any moment from now
Hlobisile:(frown)No Manqoba I don't need any driver, I'll be fine
Manqoba:(Shaking his head) I'm not having any of that,the driver will be here soon
Hlobisile:(sighed) You're no fun,I wish I can deliver soon so you can get out of my hair
Manqoba: Hlobisile you will not get mad over a simple thing come on
Hlobisile: So I should be excited that you're making every decision for me? Manqoba this is my life not ours
Manqoba:And this is my baby too,my first born so kill me for trying to keep you two safe
Hlobisile:(sighed)Know What?Fine do whatever you want since this is your fucken baby Mnxaah uyabheda Wena Manqoba

She said making her way upstairs not knowing where she's going but she's going to drop find out upstairs. Manqoba sighed frustrated taking out his phone dialing Sthembiso's number.

Sthembiso: Manqoba what do you want?
Manqoba: It's like that huh?
Sthembiso:(sighed)Sorry man Just that I.. never mind that
Manqoba:(nods)Cool,oh I got a problem here man
Sthembiso: What's up?
Manqoba: It's Hlobisile,I think her homornes are doing some things and yerrr she's breathing fire over some small things
Sthembiso:(chuckles)Oh yeah?Just go with the flow and don't make her angry
Manqoba:I will try my best on that and she needs a friend,you know I don't trust anyone from this side
Sthembiso:I thought she has a friend
Manqoba:You mean that Za what what friend?No man I need someone so understanding like Lisa
Sthembiso:(sighed)You will start a fight, Nomtha will think otherwise on that and you know how Lisa values their friendship
Manqoba:I know but Lisa would be a great help, please ask her for me if she could meet up with Hlobisile and she has an experiment in this pregnancy thing
Sthembiso:(sighed) Fine I'll talk to her and you should be careful with that girl, you might be catching feeling as we speak
Manqoba:(chuckles)Never!I love my wife and I don't hate Hlobisile either
Sthembiso:We wouldn't know ey, I'm just giving you an honest advice
Manqoba:And thank you for the advice even though I didn't really need it
Sthembiso:Fine,we will talk then
Manqoba:Cool, I'll be back by tomorrow evening. Let me know what Lisa will say about this
Sthembiso:Cool,see you

They disconnected the call as Manqoba made his way upstairs. He walked in a guest room and his phone immediately rang. 'Wifey' flashed on his phone screen and he accepted the call.

Manqoba: MaGatsheni
Nomtha: Zikode,how are you doing?
Manqoba: I'm doing fine Baby, what about you?
Nomtha: I'm good, just missed you. In what time are you coming back baby?
Manqoba:(sighed) I'll be back tomorrow evening,I need to make sure that Hlobisile has settled in very well and tomorrow morning I'll have to take her to school
Nomtha:(disappointed)Oh, I thought you'll be coming back today
Manqoba: I'm sorry baby, I'll make it up to you
Nomtha: It's Ohk I guess I will have to accept that there's a third person in our relationship
Manqoba: Don't be like that MaGatsheni,. I know this is hard for you but please understand
Nomtha:(lowest tone) Trust me I do
Manqoba:I love you hear that?
Nomtha:I love you too baby i-

"Manqoba!!!"He Huffs

Manqoba:Look I will call you before I sleep MaGatsheni, Hlobisile needs me
Manqoba:I love you

He quickly disconnected the call making his way downstairs. She was seated on the floor

Manqoba:Uhmm Hlobisile you called me?
Hlobisile:I.. I.. well I..(stuttering)
Manqoba: What?Talk to me
Hlobisile:(looking down)I hope I'll be not asking much but please can you give me a foot massage?
Manqoba:(chuckles) That's what made you stutter? You're something else
Hlobisile:(shrugged her shoulders)You can't blame me, you're a married man after all so I need to ask some permission
Manqoba: Don't be silly, I'll give you your foot massage

(At Sthembiso's House)

Lisa:No no no what you're asking is not it, it's like betraying my best friend
Sthembiso:(sighed) Manqoba is asking for a favour since you're experienced in this and he only trusts you with Hlobisile and his unborn baby than any other woman
Lisa:But baby this is so hard for me, Nomtha will literally hate me to the core
Sthembiso:She doesn't have to know, we'll keep this from her if you want
Lisa:(sighed)What do I have to do? Hlobisile girl is in Johannesburg while I'm in KZN
Sthembiso:(smiles) You'll go and spend a week in Johannesburg every Month until she gives birth
Lisa:(scoffs)Do I have to do this?Arrg I hate you for this
Sthembiso: You wouldn't hate me,I mean... I'm your smile keeper
Lisa:(chuckles) Whatever, I'll go and check up on the little you

Lisa smiled making her way upstairs hating what Sthembiso and Manqoba asked her to do.

(At The Apartment)

Hlobisile:Yaz I'm worried about Zandile, this is so unlike her
Manqoba:What can you expect from that lose friend of yours
Hlobisile:(frown) Manqoba I need your help not this, you don't know her so you don't have to judge her
Manqoba:I know that she's been sleeping with my brother, he's married!
Hlobisile:Well your so called brother is a married womanizer,he should atleast keep his dick inside his pants
Manqoba:(sighed) Hlobisile I don't want to argue with you, and don't stress yourself over that friend of yours. I don't want you losing the baby because of stress
Hlobisile: Mnxaah you're a asshole, all you care about is this baby! I'm not your wife so you don't have to control me
Manqoba:I didn't do anything though
Hlobisile: Fuck you, I'm going to sleep


Hlobisile woke up and she got ready for school. She made her way downstairs finding Manqoba ready.

Hlobisile: Morning (narrowing her eyes on him) Going somewhere?
Manqoba: I'm accompanying you to school ofcorse
Hlobisile:(frown)God I'm not a little kid
Manqoba: You do that a lot don't you?
Hlobisile:(confused) What?
Manqoba: Frowning, you frown a lot and it ain't cute
Hlobisile: Whatever, let's go since you want to be my driver
Manqoba: I've made some breakfast, don't worry you'll have it in the car
Hlobisile:(smiles) Atleast you're useful, just a little tiny bit

They made their way out of the flat and in few minutes they were at the Campus. They did everything that needed to be done.

Manqoba: I'll be fetching you, expect me
Hlobisile: Whatever

She rolled her eyes-not typical of Hlobisile. She made her way to Class and she felt a tapp on her shoulder

Hlobisile:(looked up)Oh Hy
Ryan:I can see you're a new kid, I'm Ryan by the way
Hlobisile:(smiling) Hlobisile but you can call me Hlobi
Ryan: Well nice to meet you Hlobi, from now on you're my friend
Hlobisile:(chuckles)You Should have asked white boy
Ryan:I know you want to be my friend too, what's your major?
Hlobisile: Hospitality, what about you?
Ryan: Law, let's go to our Classes. I'll come by your class during Lunchtime

Hlobisile continued making her way to class just as her phone beebed. 'Lose that so called white friend,you don't need him'-Manqoba. She chuckled at that making her way inside.


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