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Play Track : Unfaithful by Rihanna

"She's gone again and she can't be true to me."

There are three rules when it comes to a healthy and loving relationship.


Don't lie.


Don't cheat.


Don't make promises you can't keep.

It's easy, right?

Lies, are also known as deceit, falsehood, the untruth. An example is when you break your mother's favorite vase, due to the guilt and fear from your mother's wrath- you then decide to not tell the truth. So why do we say or do this?

Well, some may say they do it to just avoid the onslaught of words from their mother and the continuous questioning. But in reality, they do it because they are afraid. They are afraid of the anger that the person they care about will show them, afraid to get hurt from the words that will fall off their mouths, and most of all, they are afraid of the disappointment that will flash on their eyes because they have given you their trust to protect and not break their favorite vase.

So what do you do? You lie.

With regards to the first rule, the third rule is not far from the same meaning. Broken promises are quite equal to lying. Just like one of the most popular saying goes, "Don't make promises you cannot keep."

But we all know, this is probably one of the hardest to do. Promises can be easily said but hard to do, yet we still make promises. Hearing someone making promises, especially if it comes from someone you care for and love, is like an assurance to us. An assurance that they are there and they also care.

Unfortunately, once a promise is broken, it's heartwrenching. That person's credibility and trust will slowly diminish until it's no longer there.... But the sad thing is, no matter how many times they break their promises, you still hope that one day they fulfill one. Why? Because you Love them.

Lastly, the most important of all. You must never ever cheat.

Cheating is synonym to being Unfaithful. Once you engage on any sexual or intimate activities with another person whilst being in a relationship– is already labelled under cheating, if you're married, it's adultery.

Temptation is always present. Even the first man and woman from the Catholic Bible has encountered such. It's in our nature to be enticed by a forbidden fruit, but we always have the choice if we choose to be swayed by the temptation or not.

Cheating is a Choice, nor is it a mistake out of curiousity.


"Jennie.. where are you?"

A soft exasperated sigh can be heard from the other line.

"Lisa... please, I'm at work right now." Just from the annoyed tone evident from Jennie's voice, you can already tell that her foreheads scrunched up in impatience.

"I know..." Unlike Jennie, Lisa let out a very defeated sigh. "But it's already 10pm."

"Lisa..." Even if Lisa can't see her right know, she knows Jennie is rolling her eyes. "It's the end of the month so paperwork's are flooding in the office and I want to finish it in one go so I won't cram this later."

I know.

"But you also need to rest, you can do it here." Lisa hopefully asks.

There was a short pause until Jennie broke the silence with her reply. "I'm dropping the call."


"Let's just talk later." Jennie firmly states with finality on her tone and hanged up the call.

Lisa tightly held the phone from her ear that her knuckles turned white from the force. It took a few seconds before she loosened her tight grip from the poor phone. With a tinge of hesitation, Lisa searched for a certain contact on her phone to call.

Lisa took a large gulp of air before dialing the number and leveled it on her ear.

"Hello? Chaeyoung-ah? Is Jisoo with you right now?"

A soft muffle of words can be heard from the other line. Lisa just blankly stared straight ahead with her lips formed in a thin line.

"I see— oh no you don't need to pass the phone to her. Uhmm— J-Jennie is..."

Lisa cleared her throat, "Preparing a meal on the kitchen."

It's funny how the vice-president is busier than the president.

"Sorry I gotta go, see yah Rosieee~" without waiting for the reply, Lisa immediately ended the call. She knows Rosé would be surprised at how she acted and will be interrogating her when they meet tomorrow, but that's a problem for later.

There was silence until a choked sob was released from Lisa's lips. Droplets of tears fell from her eyes and to the opened phone with Jennie and Lisa as the lockscreen. A bitter chuckle was released from her mouth as she continued to softly sob in pain.

"She lied again..."

The story of my life goes like this.

I met a girl,

Her name was Jennie Kim.

The moment I laid eyes on her cat-like eyes, I knew she was the one.

I really loved her company.

Falling for her was inevitable.

Loving her never seemed so wrong.

And now here we are, happy, atleast that's what I think.

But now something changed, and she keeps on avoiding me.

And I know, she's somewhere out there loving his company.

Because that's the thing, I know.

I know she's been unfaithful to me...

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