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A/N: So I did it. Modern Band AU. Barely edited because fuck that. Inspired by my Queen POP figures and my Queen shirts and the fact that Jack is a dramatic ass bitch. I've been planning this for a while, but I was busy with the many versions of Aftermath but I've finally dropped that. Also they're American because I'm tired of researching about the British. I'm just going off of what I know.


The rain pattering on the roof started to drown out the babbling of children, but the coaches football on the projector and the cheap school speakers happened to be loader.

Jack and Ralph sat next to each other, the only light being the sun peering through the clouds outside with the addition of the football screen. They kept their limbs relatively to themselves.

The first rain of the season started earlier than usual. The Californians weren't very accustomed to the wet road, so it was dangerous to cross the streets. That's stupid, thought everyone. That's great, thought all the kids with no self-preservation. But you see, that is not the point.

To continue, the two boys, who were thirteen, going on fourteen, sat next to each other. The green chairs squeaked every time they shifted, and Jack had a good time pissing Ralph off by continually shifting.

Their comfortable silence was suddenly interrupted by the age-old question.

"What do you wanna be when you grow up?" Asked Jack, focusing on the great makeshift football screen.

Ralph, a little startled by that question, said, "oh, I don't know. Probably a PE teacher or something."

The blonde boy never thought about it much. He liked sports, but he didn't like running, so being a coach sounded perfect to him.

"What do you wanna be?"

Jack gave a sly smile, like his questionable plan worked out, "I'm going to be a legend, Ralph."

Ralph screwed up his face, "how would you know? This isn't some kind of fan fiction where everything works out in the end."

Ralph looks directly at you.

Jack looked into Ralph's green, blue eyes, "that's where you're wrong, pal. I'm going to be the greatest there'll ever be, and you're going to be right with me."

Ralph scoffed, "bet."

Ten Years Later

The late morning sun filtered through the cheap apartment windows. Jack woke up warm, comfy, and with a mouthful a fair hair.

Ralph laid next to Jack, back facing him. Jack bit the hair and craned his neck again. Ralph whined and kicked Jack.

Jack put his left arm over Ralph and put his fingers in his nose. Ralph slapped them away, but that gave Jack the perfect opportunity to put the yucky fingers into Ralph's mouth. Ralph bit down on the fingers. Jack flinched and pulled away.

Ralph complained, "fuck off. I'm sleeping."

"Not for long."

Jack gripped Ralph's body and rolled off the mattress. Jack got up and prodded him with his foot.

Ralph wrapped himself in the blankets that went with them, "why do you have to be an asshole so early in the morning."

Jack gestures to the clock, "because it's nine o clock-"Jack crosses his arms "-and I'm hungry."

Ralph curled up into a ball, "then go get something to eat."

Jack pouted, "I don't want to be alone. By the way, you have to get up at some point."

"Says who?"


"I do what I want. I'm top."

Jack smiled, "last night begs to differ."

Ralph scowled and hid under the blankets. Jack took the sheets and pulled Ralph to the kitchen, which is ten steps away. Jack started up the kettle as he pulled out two bowls and poured Cheerios into them. Ralph got up and sat at the island counter, his eyes barely open. Ralph's eyes suddenly widened when someone slammed the door open.

"Hey, gang!" shouted Maurice. Jack jumped at the sudden commotion.

"Christ, Maurice," said Jack, "I told you to text me before you come barreling in like this."

"Well, it's too late now."

Roger and Simon followed Maurice through the door. Maurice carried his guitar along with Simon with his bass and Roger with his drum sticks.

Ralph looked around, "Where's Piggy?"

"He didn't want to come," said Simon.

Ralph flicked his eyebrows and took a bite out of his Cheerios. Jack pulled some sweatpants on.

"Since you guys are all here, I'd like to tell you what I've got in mind."

Roger got himself comfy on the plaid couch, "Oh yeah?"

Maurice crossed his arms, "well, what's in your mind?"

Jack joined the gang in the couch area, "would if we started a band?"

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