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A/N: Guess who's bored????!!!! Anyways Fun Fact: Roger is a drummer because he has the same name as Queen's former drummer, Roger Taylor. Anyways still didn't edit shit

"A band?" said everyone collectively.

Jack did some jazz hands, "A band!"

Maurice budded in, "aren't we already a band, though?"

Jack became increasingly excited, "Not really. We only play together. We don't even have a name. We need to start doing things."

"What kinds of things?" Ralph inquired.

"We gotta write songs and perform at bars and stuff. You know?" Jack said, enthusiastically.

"Alright," said Roger, "What's our name?"

Jack spun around and did finger guns, "Choir Island."

Ralph shifted in his seat, "Why 'Choir Island'?'

Jack turned to Ralph, "Glad you asked. Me and the boys were in the choir when we were young."

Ralph put his head in his right hand, "yes, I remember, and you'd never shut up about it."

Jack smiled as he got to the point, "You remember that book we read? The one with girls on the island and had that one girl who could sing. I forgot its name now."

"The Emperor of Gnats?" asked Maurice.

Jack snapped and pointed at him, "exactly. The girl, Jacquline, I think, and her pals reminded me of us. So you know, we're the Choir and the Island. Put em together and..."

Jack clasped his hands together, "Choir Island!"

Jack put his hands on his hips, "Can we agree on that?"

Everyone looked at each other.

"Good." Jack concluded. He returned to the kitchen to pour the hot water into his coffee. Ralph leaned towards him and whispered,

"Will this work out?"

Jack took a long sip and responded, "Of course it will. I told you, I'm going to be a legend, and no one can stop me."

Ralph looked at Simon worriedly, who returned the same look. Ralph turned back to Jack and nodded, "Okay. I trust you."

Jack put his hands on Ralph's shoulders, "I promise you. This'll be great."

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