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A/N: I don't have access to a computer rn so I'm doing this on an iPad. I haven't edited shit. Also do you know how hard it is to describe every little thing about a song? Y'all better like this chapter or I'll flip my shit.

The song this is based on is Mr Blue Sky  by Electric Light Orchestra

A/N 2: Okay I edited some shit and Im with computer again :))

 After a couple of nights of songwriting and amp fixing and drumming on every single surface in existence, Choir Island finally started up their first gig at The Grass Skirt, which is a bar, not a nature-inspired clothing item.

At the stage, which is a slightly elevated platform, Simon looked around nervously. Ralph took notice and patted his shoulder.

"You'll do great. I know it."

Simon's eyes flitted downwards, "It's not how we'll affect the crowd. It's how the crowd would affect us."

He vaguely gestured towards Jack, who was frustratingly adjusting the microphone to his height. Simon put his bass strap over his head.

"Keep an eye on him, okay?"

Ralph nodded as Simon turned away to join the rest of the band. Maurice tuned up his guitar as Roger tapped his symbols. Ralph stepped off the stage towards the bar at the back. Jack grabbed his upper arm.

"Where you goin'," he said, slightly hurt.

Ralph took his hand, "I'm going to be watching from the back."

Ralph quickly pecked Jack on the lips, "I won't leave. You'll do great."

Jack nodded and let go of Ralph. Ralph blinked lovingly and moved on.

Jack turned to the band as Maurice called him up.

"You two done flirting? We gotta perform."

Jack stepped onto the stage and looked around at his bandmates. Simon wore a pink shirt with light blue jeans and black converse. Roger and Maurice matched each other unintentionally with a white button-up and black pants. Jack wore a denim jacket with multiple patches speckling the back, a black sparkly t-shirt, worn-out black jeans, and Adidas.

Jack looked around at the crowd and spotted Ralph getting an apple juice. He took a sip then wrinkled his nose at Him. Jack smiled, then picked up the mic. Jack nodded at Maurice, who was going to start the song. Jack played his keyboard slowly.

Maurice leaned into his microphone that had a special filter that distorted his voice.

"Morning! Today's forecast calls for blue skies."

Roger stepped on the bass drum pedal to establish the tempo. Jack plays louder. Roger started hitting the snare, and Simon joined in with a quiet bass line.

Jack started singing. Ralph smiled at him proudly. The crowd looked at him in interest. Roger hit the giant symbol.

The song continued, and Roger hit the cowbell three times softly. They hit the chorus, which was lower compared to the rest of the song. Maurice dueted with Jack. In the back where Simon was hiding, he repeated a line in a higher note.

Roger hit the small symbols. Choir Island repeated the chorus then Maurice had a guitar solo. His glittery blue electric guitar shone in the yellow light of the bar. He tapped his heel to the beat as he kept an eye on his finger on the frets. Roger kept on drumming.

Jack continued singing the verse. The crowd wooed when he suddenly jumped to a high note. The band reached the bridge, which was similar to the chorus but in nondominant notes.Maurice used the distorted mic again, giving the song a futuristic aesthetic. They repeat the chorus but with Maurice echoing the lines. Everyone joins in the outro, which is just repeating a single syllable. Roger ended strong with the use of symbols and the bass drum.

When they finished, the crowd erupted into a chorus of clapping and praise. Jack looked at his friends. They all beamed back at him, including Roger, who often held a flat face. Jack turned back to the audience and saluted. He and the boys left the stage where they met Ralph.

Ralph slowly approached them.

"Good job, guys."

Jack's smile faltered a little when he picked up Ralphs vibes but grew again when he realized what he'd just done.

"Guys," Jack exclaimed, "we're getting closer to our goal!"

Everyone nodded in agreement. They waved goodbye to each other and went back to their apartments.

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