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A/N: Short Chapter! I just wanted to publish this fast so here's just fluff

Choir Island made an album that was beyond successful. Megan gave them the tour around America as promised. With their album money, they got themselves a sizable bus that had their band name in giant neon letters. Roger got a customized bass drum with the same emblem as the bus. He was reasonably proud of, even though he didn't show it.

When the boys returned, Jack had a very... vague plan in mind. During the tour, Jack had composed a song just for Ralph. Of course, Ralph didn't know that. Ralph often assumes that Jack has no idea what he's doing fifty percent of the time, which was correct. However, this just happened to be the half where he did know what he was doing.

Jack held Ralph in bed late morning. The sun made the white sheets golden, and the fancy windows made rainbows across the carpet. The yellow warmth relaxed the boys into a state of contentment.

But there was something on Jack's mind that made his stomach twist into unbearably painful knots.

Jack wasn't the only one who was distracted. Ralph had his worries as Jack and his group gained popularity. He hopes that Jack would be able to cope.

Jack rubbed Ralph's upper arm.

"You are so beautiful."


Jack opened his eyes, "aren't you going to compliment me back?"

"there's nothing about you to be complimented," Ralph replied.

Jack turned Ralph's head to look at him in the eye, "really? Not even my charming personality? My beautiful voice? My amazing looks?"

Ralph smiled, "nope!"

Jack kissed Ralph lovingly. Ralph gagged exaggeratedly.

"Your breath is stonky."


Jack got out of bed and went to the dresser with a mirror over it. He bared his teeth and scratched the plaque off of them. Jack looked at the black felt box at the corner of the dresser and sighed. He grabbed it and returned to Ralph, who sprawled all over the bed, making himself comfy.

"Hey Ralph," Jack said, "you got you something."

Ralph didn't move except for his eyes, which darted towards Jack, "is it breakfast? I hope it's breakfast."

Jack contorted his face, "no."

Jack sat at the side of the bed while he kept the softbox behind his back. Ralph's eyes followed him.

"Well, what is it then?"

Jack beamed excitedly, "the best thing you could ever ask for."

Ralph slumped lower into the sheets, "that would be breakfast."

Jack glared at Ralph and pulled out the box. He opened it. Inside there was a golden ring that held a striped carnelian that was the same fiery red as Jack's hair.

Ralph's eyes widened, "is that-"

"It is."

Now Ralph shared the same eager expression as Jack.

"Well, are you going to answer?" Jack said.

Ralph gave a speechless, enthusiastic nod.

Jack gestured for Ralph to verbalize his thoughts.

Ralph nodded vigorously, "yes!"

They smiled at each other for a couple of seconds.

"Well, are you going to keep it in the box?"

Ralph realized the reality and scrabbled to take the delicate ring. Jack helped him slide it on his ring finger. 

Jack held Ralph's hand, "Don't ever take it off."

Ralph squeezed back, "I won't"

"For nothing."

"Jack, I promise."

Ralph put his hand in Jack's locks.

"It looks like your hair."

"It's so that you don't forget about me."

Ralph pressed his forehead against Jack's, "how can I forget about someone as ugly as you."

The boys laughed together, completely unaware of the shit hill they're about to roll down.

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