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A/N: hey hey hey guess who's being productive. First of  all, y'all finished winter break cuz I still got a week LOSERS. Second of all... FLUFF and Im gonna teases y'all with implied smut because I a bad bitch

The steam poured out of the cheap bathroom. Ralph wrapped a towel around his waist and made his way over to the dresser to grab his boxers and t-shirt.

Jack saw him from the couch and leaped to his feet. He wrapped his arms around Ralph's waist and licked his neck.

"Jack, I'm not in the mood tonight," said Ralph tiredly.

Jack pouted, "can I at least get attention from my baby boy?"

Ralph smiled as he opened the drawer, "I mean, I guess."

He let go of the towel and slipped the boxers on. He threw his shirt on, then laid down on the mattress where Jack joined him. Jack grabbed Ralph and cradled him on his lap.

Jack smiled, "you're adorable when you're like this."

Ralph scoffed, "shut up."

Jack kissed Ralph and rested his forehead against Ralph's, "I love you."

Ralph faked disgust, "miss me with that gay shit."

Jack playfully nibbled at Ralph's shoulders and neck. Ralph giggled until Jack stopped. Jack looked at him with shining eyes. Ralph half smiled and looked away. Jack, not taking the hint, trailed a finger from Ralph's mid-thigh to his crotch.

"Are you sure you're not in the mood?" He purred.

Ralph thought about it and felt his lower half heat up. He remembered his worries and made up his mind.

"I don't want to."

Jack's eyes flickered with impatience. He took a deep sigh.


Ralph got off of Jack and grabbed his phone. He leaned against the wall of pillows as Jack rested his head on Ralph's lap. Ralph pulled at Jack's hair as Jack closed his eyes slowly.

"Curly, curly boi," hummed Ralph.

Jack exhaled amusedly.

About an hour passes by when Jack falls asleep with his arms crossed, and his brows narrowed. Ralph smiled at the fact that Jack looked angry, even when he was sleeping.

Ralph closed Instagram and opened his messages. The first person he thinks about is Simon. He taps on his name.

Rolf: I'm worried about jack

It doesn't take long for Simon to reply.

Simin: y do u say that

Simon knew the answer; he just wanted it to be put in words.

Rolf: u saw how the crowd reacted

Rolf: he's sensitive to how ppl think

Rolf: he's gonna get some negativity. What happens after that?

Simon doesn't reply for a long time. The three dots pop up and disappear multiple times. Ralph felt his chest tighten in anticipation.

Simin: things are going to be hard, but he'll make it back alright

Ralph reread the message over and over again until it was engraved into his brain. Ralph turned off his phone and rested his head against the wall. He took a deep breath and sighed.

Things'll work out.

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