First Day

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*Elizabeth's POV*


I roll over and turn off my alarm, uhgggg I groan as I try to blink the sleep out of my tired eyes. Normally I wouldn't be so tired, but I couldn't fall asleep last night. See today is my first day at a new school and I was up most of the nigh because I'm a little nervous about it, what if no one likes me. I've gotten use to going to new schools since my father moves around a lot for his job but we've always move to bigger cities so no one really noticed me and that was ok I just sort of disappeared into the crowd, but this town is so small and everyone knows each other and I can't just blend in. My family and I have only been living here in Hope Valley for about a week, so I haven't really met anyone yet but that's all about to change.


"Yes mother"

"Hurry up and get ready or you're going to be late for school"

"Ok, I'll be down soon"

Now what should I wear. Oh, I know I'll wear my favorite high waisted black skater skirt with a baby pink bouse and ballet flats. I run my hairbrush through my chestnut curls, grab my backpack and go down stairs. When I enter the kitchen my sisters Viola and Julie are already sitting at the table eating breakfast. I quickly grab a bowl of cereal and join them.

"So, Viola are you ready for the first day of your senior year?"

"Ya I guess so" she quickly responded

"Well I'm glad this is my last year of middle school, I wish I was already in high school like you and Viola." Julie chimed in

"What about you Elizabeth, are you excited for the start of your sophomore year" my father asked as he entered the kitchen

"Well I'm excited to start school again I've always loved school, but I'm a little nervous that I won't make any friends"

"Well just look on the bright side we've moved so much over the past few years that you might not even have to think about making new friends because we'll just have to pack up and move again" Julie said

"She's got a point you know by Spring break last year we had moved twice" Viola added

"Now girls I know we have moved a lot because of my job over the last few years but I feel it's important that I tell you that us packing up and moving is over. You see the reason I took this job is because I will be running the company's branch here in Hope Valley which means no more moving" Father grinned

"Really daddy do you mean it no more moving!!" Julie said excitedly

"Yes, darling I really mean it no more moving" Father reassured

Great I thought to myself, now if I don't make any friends, I can't use the excuse of I'll be moving to make it better.

"Girls we better get going you don't want to be late on your first day, grab your stuff and get in the car please" Mother said as she grabbed her purse from the counter

My sisters said goodbye to our father and headed for the car and as I was grabbing my backpack my father placed his hand on my shoulder and started talking to me

"Beth, I know your nervous, but you'll be great. I don't want you worry too much I have no doubt that you will make new friends in no time"

"Thanks daddy, I'll see you when you get home tonight, I love you" I kissed him on the check and followed my mother to the car.

As mom drove us to school, I stared out the window looking at the small town of Hope Valley, I have to say that it is quite beautiful. As we pulled up to the middle school and Julie got out I could feel my nerves rise, we slowly approached the high school and mother pulled into the car line I felt my body freeze, I took a deep breath and said goodbye to mother and walked towards the school. I walked in the doors and Viola and I went to the front office to get our class schedules. I know it sounds childish but I wished that I could of stayed with Viola the whole day, I think that she could sense my nerves so she told me that at lunch she would sit with me if I wanted her to. She hugged me goodbye and walked up stairs to her class. I looked at my schedule and my first class is English. Ok I can do this English is my favorite subject the perfect way to start out the day. As I approached the door I stopped and took a deep breath and walked inside. Most of the kids in the room were talking about their summer vacations and how they are so excited to see each other again, I walked to the first empty seat that was available sat down and pulled out my book and started to read before the bell rang. I was reading peacefully until I heard someone say something and I looked up.

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