Dinner's and Auditions

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*Lee's POV*

I woke up Sunday morning to my alarm on my phone going off. I rolled over to turned it off and got out of bed so I could let Lucy outside and feed her. I walked over to the freezer and pulled out some frozen waffles and put them in the toaster for breakfast. Just then I heard my phone ding and I picked it up to see who it was

Mom: Morning kiddo just wanted to let you know that Lilly and I will be back around 1 or 2 this afternoon and your father will be back a little before dinner time.

Lee: Ok sounds good. Did Lilly have fun?

Mom: Oh yes, she had a lot of fun I bet you'll hear all about it when we get home. How was the movie day with your friends?

Lee: I'm sure I will. It was fun we decided to watch our favorite Disney movies

Mom: Well I'm glad you had fun

Lee: Hey could I invite Rosie over and do some homework and hangout?

Mom: Of course, and she's welcome to stay for dinner if she would like as well

Lee: Thanks mom see you later

I grabbed a plate and took my waffles out of the toaster and texted Rosie

Lee: Good morning beautiful

Rosie: Good morning handsome

Lee: If you're not doing anything today, I was wondering if you wanted to come over do some homework and hangout

Rosie: Sure, my dad is in the middle of a case, so he'll be working late and one of the night nurses call in sick, so my mom has to work the night shift.

Lee: Great, mom said that you're welcome to join us for dinner as well

Rosie: Ok, I'll be over in like 30 mins I've got to take a shower and get ready

Lee: Sounds good see you soon

I finished my waffles put the plate in the dish washer and went upstairs to take a quick shower and get dressed. I put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt brushed my hair and went back downstairs. I was getting myself a glass of water when the doorbell rang. I walked over and opened the door where Rosie was standing, her blond curls perfectly framing her face. This girl knew how to take my breath away, she is so beautiful it's hard to believe that she is with me. Out of all the guys in Hope Valley she chose me she wanted to be with me.

"Well good morning to me" I said

I could see the heat rising in her cheeks

"I'm just wearing leggings and a t-shirt Lee, it's not like I showed up in a ball gown" she chuckled

"And I can honestly say that you are just as beautiful in your leggings and shirt as you would be in your fanciest dress" I retorted

"Lee that's very sweet but didn't you invite me here to do homework" she added

"Yes, but first" he stepped closer and pulled me in for a slow passionate kiss

"Now I believe it's me who is now having a truly good morning" Rosie said

"Maybe it's the both of us" I replied giving her another quick peck on the lips

"As much as I like this, we should probably get some homework done" she continued

"Alright I guess" I said grabbing my backpack and walking into the kitchen

We worked pretty intently for the next few hours, I couldn't help but look up every so often and just stared at her working. She caught me a few times, but she just smiled and then went back to her work. We finished up everything little before noon

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