Study Date

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*Rosemary's POV*

I woke up to the loud ringing of my alarm on my phone, I groaned and rolled over and turned off my alarm. I tried to rub the sleep out of my eyes when I looked at my phone and saw what day it is. I practically jumped out of bed due to my sheer excitement and ran into my closet to try and decide what I should wear. Ugh this is hard on a normal day, but today it seems to be even harder, one thing is too casual, the other is to fancy, this washes out my skin tone. I was about to give up when it hit me, I grabbed my favorite red blouse and then I ran to my dresser and grabbed my dark blue skinny jeans and to complete the look I wore my red pair of ballet flats. After I got dresses, I put on a little makeup, just a little blush and some mascara. I then went downstairs to eat breakfast and make my lunch. I was sitting at the bar stool looking through my phone when dad entered the kitchen.

"Hey sweetie" he said walking towards the coffee maker

"Good morning daddy"

"Do you want some" he asked pouring himself a cup of coffee

"No, I'm ok, thank you though" I replied

"Ok, well I'm leaving for work have a good day at school. I'll probably be at work late tonight and I think that mom is working a night shift at the hospital tonight so you might be on your own for dinner."

"Ok, I'll check with mom. Have a good day at work I'll see you later tonight"

With that he walked over kissed me on the top of my head and headed out the door. I got up and put my dish in the dish washer and grabbed my lunch box and started packing my lunch. Mom came downstairs and got herself some breakfast and told me how she was working late and that there is some leftover pasta in the fridge that I could have for dinner. I ran back upstairs brushed my teeth, packed all my stuff in my backpack and went back downstairs. I got in the car and mom drove me to school, I was pretty quiet in the car, but I had so many thoughts and feelings running through my mind that I was just feeling a bit overwhelmed. We pulled up in the car line and I got out said goodbye and walked inside. I put my headphones in and decided to listen to music to see if that might help calm my nerves. I was at my locker putting my lunch in it and grabbed my history textbook, today is a block day so I only go to my even period classes. I was just about to close my locker when someone came up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder. I nearly jumped out of my skin and let out a little squeal, I took out my headphones and turned around.

"Jeez, Lee you scared me" I said playfully hitting his shoulder

"Sorry Rosie, that was not my intention" he chuckled

"It's not funny, I hate being scared"

"I know you don't, but you are pretty cute when you're scared"

I could feel the heat in my cheeks, did he just call me cute?

"Well that doesn't mean you get to do it again"

"Noted. So, do you still want to study after school today?" he asked

"Most defiantly, I really need to pass this test. Why does math have to be so complicated" I groaned

"I promise you with my help you'll be a math genius in no time" he quipped

"I don't know about a genius, but I'll settle for average or slightly above average" I chuckled

"Well I think above average can be achieved but I wouldn't sell yourself short I think you're more than capable of becoming a math genius than you think"

"That means a lot thank you" I replied

"Well should we start making our way to history" he suggested

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