Girl's Day Out

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*Elizabeth POV*

I woke up Saturday morning to find Rosemary already awake and looking at her phone

"Good morning" I said yawing 

"Morning, I hope I didn't wake you up" she replied 

"Oh no, you didn't wake me. How long have you been awake?" I asked 

"Not long probably 30 minutes or so" she responded 

"What time is it"  

Rosie glanced at her phone "9:30ish" she replied 

"Oh ok, do you wanna head downstairs and get some breakfast" I responded 

"Ya sounds good to me"

We got out of bed and went to the kitchen to get us some breakfast. I grabbed a bowl and our griddle with Rosie went into the pantry and got the pancake mix. I made sure that we made enough of them for the rest of my family when they decide to come downstairs. I grabbed Rosie and I a plate and we sat down and ate our breakfast in silence, but that didn't last long when Julie entered the kitchen.

"Good morning" she said

"Morning Julie 

She got her pancakes and then sate down at the table with us. We talked about last night and about our plans for the day. Once Rosie and I were finished we put our plates in the dish washer and then went back to my room to get dressed. The rest of the morning we decided to watch a movie, we agreed upon He's Just Not Than Into You. Towards the end of the movie I glanced over to see Rosie on her phone texting, pretty sure that it's Lee on the other end

"Glad to know that he is into you" I chuckled 

She looked up from her phone a little caught off guard

"I ummmmm..... what" she uttered flustered 

"So what does prince charming want anyway" I continued 

"He was just wondering what time he and Jack should come pick us up for lunch" she responded 

"Right I'm sure that's all" I hinted

"Ok he may have mentioned that he missed me and was wondering if I've herd anything about the cast list" she replied

"I also told him that they should pick us up in like 30 minutes" she continued 

"Sounds good, also have you gotten anything about the cast list" I asked 

"Not yet but I'm trying not to worry about it" 

"I'm sure you'll hear something soon" I assured her

We went back to watching the movie for a little when Rosie leaned over to me and said

"You know Lee isn't the only guy in our group who's into someone" she smirked 

Once the movie ended we wen back upstairs and gathered Rosie's things before the boys came to pick us up for lunch 

"So, you mentioned homecoming dress shopping together" I said

"Ya I was planning on going next Saturday if you wanted to join" she replied 

"That would be so much fun, and you're totally ok with Julie coming as well" I responded

"Ya, if you wouldn't mind I was thinking about bringing Lee's little sister Lilly. I told her we could have a girls day sometime soon"

"I don't mind at all I think that would be really fun for her" I continued 

Just then my phone started buzzing

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