Chapter 6: The KeyBlade

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The next day school was over and we all were training increasing our skills then kitty calls me into her little somewhat lab. I say what's up she hands me a box i ask what's in it she says your KB i say what? confused as fuck then i open it and i say its a sword with like a key at the top. She says its a keyblade i'm like a key what she says a keyblade i made it for you i give her a hug thanks best best then she sticks her tongue out sillily and then come out with my new keyblade in my hand holding it like it was my guardian of protection or something then the team comes around and ask what is it. I tell them it's my keyblade, then kitty cones in and says that my key blade gives me special abilities and i was like NO FUCKING WAY YOUR KIDDING RIGHT, she was like nope u have powers now i said AHHHHHHH YEAHHHH I'M BADASSS NOW NIGGASS. Then alexis comes and says your not better than me and my fucking sword so i said its a challenge then with a smirk on my face so we get into the training area and we begin fighting. Alexis swinging her sword at me i dodge her hits and block them with my keyblade then alexis coming at me with a full rush with her sword i throw my keyblade at her she drops to the floor i pick up my keyblade and alexis i say you okay she says goddamn that thing hurts i tell her its metal duh. She says shut up and i just laugh and shit but then kitty comes back with a crossbow i ask what does that do she says it disrupts signals and lets me hack into the system. Snipe asked your really smart maybe we should build together kitty being silly says maybeeeeeee and then we just laugh but i think my keyblade was given to me for a reason or is kitty hiding something? Nahhhhh she's best best she's a little crazy but not like that so she gave me a new weapon which will come in handy and i hope the rest of the team gets some cool ass weapons too.

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