Story Time :D

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Letz get right into it!

     I just found out something weird about me. I can't show you the video I recorded but I will never forget that day before Thanksgiving last year—

     It all started when my mom and I were having some type of argument, I don't remember what it was about, but I do remember that she yelled at me and I left, pouting like a little brat and I cried myself to sleep in my shared bedroom with my sister.

    When I woke up, I wasn't in my bed. Instead, I was on the floor, staring at the ceiling with red paint all over my hands. I know I thought it was blood, but it smelled like paint. So I assumed it was paint.

     Soon enough, I get up off the floor, I look around. I see red paint every where. All over the walls, the mirror, but it was no where to be found on my sister's side of the room. I thought my brother played on his tricks on me and pulled me out the bed, splattered random quotes in red paint everywhere and left with the perfect evidence of me doing the shit myself.

But nooooo.

     I look to my right, and I see a camera sitting on the nightstand. It's still recording, and I know because the red light is still beeping.

I think, "If that's still there, then I know for a fact that it was my brother."

     I get up. I pick up da camera. I stop the recording. I look back through it, and it was me. I was the one with the red paint and I was the one that drew all that stuff on the wall.

Well, what a nice surprise.

     What's weird is how I don't remember any of this. Still to the day, I don't remember waking up. But when I look at the video, it clearly shows that I sat up with my eyes still closed, I pulled a big ass can of red paint from under my bed, (when did that get there?)  and I began drawing.

     I put about 50 hand prints on the mirror, I surprisingly made a perfect blood stain on the window, and there were quotes all over the wall saying to kill yourself.

     Of course, if you were me, you'd be like "what the fuck"?? That's what I said when I saw this video. Did I have a bad dream or something, cuz it seems that I was not in a positive mood when I did this. At the end of the video, I look back at the camera, smile (my were open by this time), and I just fall on the floor, passed out probably. And then 5 minutes later, it shows that I wake up looking confused.

A duh

     Was I possessed or something? Maybe the after was trying to tell me something-

You: Or maybe you were just sleep walking.

ʕ ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°ʔ

God dammit...

     You could be right, but me being possessed has a possibility, too.

     And again, that would be so cool.


     Don't ask why I decided to share this 2 years later. I never really told anybody expect you guys, so consider yourself special.

Bcuz that's what you are. :)

I don't know how to end this, so I'm just gonna end this story time—

I have nothing else to confess.

Thank you for your time...

(And no, I did not proof read)

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