Chapter 2 You feel like home

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Alec went inside the apartment and looked around before he saw his boyfriend sitting by a pentagram. He looked tired and his green, yellow cat eyes went back and fort, it was like he was watching an old grandfathers clock, Alec thought. He went further in carful not to bump into the furniture, which was all pressed together by the wall next to the door.

    “Come to gloat?” Magnus asked before turning around catching Alec’s blue eyes, “Oh, sorry I thought you were someone else.”

    “Long day of work?” Alec asked and sat down beside Magnus who took his hand in his. The glitter in Magnus hair was faded and the warlocks makeup was smeared around his eyes.

   “You could say that.” Magnus studied Alec’s hand, which had scares after his battles, but today there was also a new scar, it was like a red line across the backside of his hand. “The same for you?”

   “You could say that.” Alec said with shrug and a laugh. “What was the pentagram for?”

   “Basic summoning of a demon. A girl came by and wanted a demons help, I still wonder how a twelve year old had enough money to buy me.”

    “She was human?” Alec’s eyes widen.

   Magnus just nodded before turning to Alec and smiled. They kissed gently before standing up. “Want to help me move everything back?”

    “What you’re not going to use magic for that?”

   “Not now that I got my gorgeous boyfriend here, he even has a strength rune.” Magnus winked playfully at Alec before walking to the sofa and started tugging at it.

   “Really, I don’t think I have met him.” Alec said and helped putting the sofa back in place.

   “Oh, you really should, he has black hair like you, beautiful blue eyes, like you. His humor isn’t the best but he’s not afraid of glitter. I think he’s a keeper.”

   “Yeah, he definitely sounds like one.” Alec laughed and started putting the rest of the furniture back to place while Magnus sat on the sofa ordering him around. It took Alec about an half hour to get everything back to place but when he was done Magnus handed him coffee.

   He sat in the sofa with his back against the armrest and his legs in Magnus lap. Magnus who was tired indeed played with Alec’s shoelaces and tugged at his jeans while they both sat quietly. After a while, Alec put down his coffee on the table and looked at Magnus who seemed to have drifted of in his thoughts.

   “Hey there big you.” Alec kicked Magnus in the stomach, not hard but hard enough. “What are you thinking about?”

   “Blood.” Magnus answered with a distant voice.

   “You know, I thought you where a warlock but now since you’re a vampire I will direct you to my sister.” He started moving away but Magnus got a hold of the edged of he’s jeans and they almost slipped of. “Hey!”

    “What, Wednesday is naked day.” Magnus said with a smile. “or is the pretty boy shy.”

   “Super.” He replied and went back to he’s coffee, it was almost cold so he swallowed the rest and laid down. The armrest was hard for a pillow but he didn’t complain, how many times hadn’t he come here after a battle and just talked to Magnus or just got here and slept for a couple of hours. Magnus didn’t mind, he actually liked it. So while he laid there, his body relaxed and he closed his eyes almost drifting away.

   Magnus moved and when Alec felt the weight of him above him he opened his eyes. Magnus smiled wickedly before he kissed him. Alec kissed him back and as he felt his shirt lift up and Magnus hands softly and warm on his back he couldn’t help but smile. This was home, right here in Magnus arms. Magnus hand tugged at the necklace he had around his neck, a gift from him, it was a simple gold chain that he never took off. Home.

    Just as Alec’s legs started to fall asleep from the weird position, Chairman Meow got in the way. The cat simply walked up his legs and up on Magnus until it laid down on Magnus back and fell asleep. Alec who liked the cat laid still under his boyfriend who chuckled.

    “Are you afraid of my cat?”

   “No I just think it’s inappropriate to disturb him when he’s asleep.”

   “See, that’s why I like you, you think more of my cat than yourself.” Magnus laughed and lay down carefully, making sure that the cat didn’t slid of him. Alec smiled as Magnus laid there on top of him.

    “And this is why I like you?”

   “Why because I don’t weigh anything?”

   “No because your home.” Alec said and closed his eyes again. He felt Magnus gaze on him but he didn’t respond to it. Magnus moved lightly on top of him.

   “You want to hear a story?” Magnus asked with a sleepy smile.


   So Magnus told Alec about a far away night on a carnival and they stayed like that until they both fell asleep under the evening sky in Magnus sofa.

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