𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚒𝚡

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Who in the hell is Mariano?? That was something Alessya wouldn't know, especially due to the fact that she didn't open it up to lurk on his profile nor check his profile picture. She'd be sure to do it later after everyone had left though. If they planned on leaving tonight..

Shaking her head, she locked her phone before putting it on silence and looking back up at her friends. Or at least the three that are by her side right now.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that baby.." Yami tried to comfort her, knowing a few words wouldn't do the trick of healing her. But to let her know that she didn't have to deal with it alone.

"It's whatever, it's done with. It was his choice honestly, he wanted to go around screwing girls like he was single, so I helped him out and made him it.." Alessya reasoned, or at least she tried to reason, with herself of course.

She truly was in denial over the whole thing still, but how could she be? It happened right in front of her eyes. She couldn't deny what she saw, she isn't crazy. And the way Mattia acted before leaving just justified her point.

"Hey babygirl, I need to go. It's getting pretty late already and my mom would flip," Alejandro spoke up after sliding his phone back into his front pocket.

Nodding her head, Alessya slowly stood up off the stairs. Her shirt still having a few damp spots on it from all of Mattia's tears. Walking over to Alejandro, she engulfed him into a giant bear hug. Or at least what she could make out to be one, considering how much bigger everyone was compared to her.

"Okay Alé, I love you. Be safe getting home please.." she said softly before pulling away from the hug and placing a motherly kiss upon his forehead.

"Don't worry Ale, for you I will be. But please be safe getting to Canada. Call me before you board your plane and after you land." He insisted before placing a kiss on the top of her head. Out of everyone, the two were inseparable since birth. They weren't close when it came to secrets, but they were still like brother and sister.

Smiling softly up at him, she sent a nod his way before he waved at the other two and walked out to head home.

"Hey hun, we're gonna head home too. Kairi has to be home to watch his sister and he's my ride home. I'll text you though okay??" Yami offered before running over and engulfing Alessya into her arms. "Oh and fuck Alejandro, call me first considering I'm your favorite." She added before pulling away from the hug with a smile. All Alessya did was laugh in response.

No matter how shitty her day went, they knew how to bring a smile to her face at the end of it. Before she could speak, Kairi nudged his girlfriend to the side before taking her place and wrapping Ale in his arms. "Fuck BOTH of them, how about you just Group FaceTime us huh?" Kairi recommended before laughing at the feeling of Yami smacking him in the back of the head.

"You know thats works too, perfectly for everyone so I just might have to take Kairis suggestion." Alessya stated as she hugged back Kairi briefly. The both of them pulled apart with sad smiles across their face before Yami was the one to clear her throat.

"Come on babe, before I break out in tears." Yami said with a pout, causing both to laugh at her before Kairi nodded and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his side.

"Ok baby, let's go take you home." He responded before softly placing a kiss upon her lips. "Ight Alessya we're leaving, please be safe on your flight. Call or text if you need something okay?" Kairi looked back over his shoulder and told her. Wanting to let her know that he was there for her.

Nodding her head softly, she wrapped her arms around herself as she followed them to the door. Being sure to walk them out.

"Don't worry Kai, I can take care of myself." She reassured with a kind smile, watching them hop into his car before she closed and locked the door.

Turning back around, she was face to face with her empty house. Not even three days ago it was full of color, and memories. But now it was empty and dark. She was now being forced to face the reality of things, and to realize that she would no longer be living here. In New Jersey, with her best friends..

Running up the stairs, she closed her bedroom door before locking it. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't paranoid right now. To be alone in an empty house currently. Flopping down onto her bed, she shoved her face into the covers before letting out a scream of defeat. This was really happening..

But as her scream came to a quiet yelp, she had realized where Mattia laid not too long ago, the sheets now had the scent of him and his cologne. It brought comfort to her, but also pain.. Pain of what he had done to her, to how he reacted, to see he really had no remorse for his actions. He was as deceiving as a fallen angel, he could be beautiful to look at, but he was ugly inside.

Rolling onto her back, she laid sprawled out across her bed staring up at the ceiling before soon remembering her phone. Pulling it from her pocket, she opened up her notifications. Clicking on the mystery guys profile, she was soon face to face with a gorgeous guy. He looked familiar, but from where??

After a minute of thinking, it all clicked; tiktok boy! Looking back at the video she liked, just to double check, she nodded her head in approval knowing she was right. His tiktok username was thatwhitelatino, so most certainly he was hispanic. Especially with a name like Mariano.

Oh, Mariano was his name. She was now able to put a name to the face. It was cute, like him.. Seeing as he didn't have that many photos though, she liked two of his posts in return to the two of hers that he liked. Her finger hovered over the message, debating whether or not to respond. Should she??

Fuck it, she clearly didn't have shit to lose anymore. Sucking in a breath, she clicked open the message before double tapping to like it and choosing to respond. She didn't want to sound too thirsty, especially since she just got out a relationship. She was just looking for some friends, and having one that was cute would just be a bonus.

alessyafarrugia: hey(: thatwhitelatino, right?

after pressing send, she couldn't help but to smack herself in the forehead. Really ale?? A cute guy texts you and you send him some dry shit like that? Omg I bet I sound so fucking retarded to him now.. Should I unsend it? Yeah fuck it. Biting her lip, she held down the message ready to unsend it. But right before she could successfully do so, her phone vibrated as another message from him popped up.

marianoccastano: lmao yeah, alessyafarrugia right? 😏

She didn't even have to know the guy in real life to know that she was being mocked. That message was so stupid that he was mocking her!

alessyafarrugia: no sorry hun, you've got the wrong person 🤕

Hey if he was gonna make her feel dumb, she would at least return the favor. But her dumbass didn't realize that she just made herself look like an even bigger fool.

marianoccastano: so it's the wrong person, but you have the same username for everything? Hm, interesting. I guess you're a catfish then huh?

fUCK, was all she thought as she didn't think of that connection being made. Of course she didn't, why would she? She clearly never thinks.

alessyafarrugia: wow ig you caught me, my dumbass didn't think of that 🤦🏻‍♀️

And that's how her night started. Not even getting a chance to sleep as she spent the entire night going back and forth texting Mariano. She'd be lying if she said that he wasn't a great person to talk to. He helped to get her mind off Mattia and to overall brighten her mood.

𝐄𝐍𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐌 ➔ 𝘔𝘈𝘙𝘐𝘈𝘕𝘖 𝘊𝘈𝘚𝘛𝘈𝘕𝘖Where stories live. Discover now