𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢-𝚃𝚠𝚘

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Shocked at Mattia's roughness, she gasped into the kiss. Fucking up, as that gave Mattia access to exploring her mouth with his tongue. But the kiss was cut short, Alessya realizing what was happening and biting down on Mattia's tongue.

"Ah, fuck!" Mattia hissed in pain as he pulled back from Alessya, holding his mouth open to examine his tongue. "What the fuck was that for?!" He asked angrily, glaring down at Alessya.

"I told you I had a boyfriend, bitch." She started as she sat up on the bed. Mattia's legs still on either sides of her as he hovered over her. "Just because you cheated on me, doesn't mean it's okay to cheat with me." She stayed as she shoved him off her.

Plopping down at the foot of the bed, he shook his head before placing his tongue back in his mouth, the sting of her biting it subsiding. "You can shut the fuck up with that shit, because I'm not with anyone." He lied as he continued to glare at her.

"Ha! That's a lie, and we both know it." She responded as she looked over at him, letting out a humorless laugh. Rolling her eyes before forcefully shoving him back off the bed.

Landing with a soft groan, he was quick to stand back up on his feet. Smirking softly as he thought about it.

"You know what, play hard to get all you want principessa. I'm here for a whole week, and I'll be sure that I ruin whatever relationship you have going on." He stated as he plopped back down on the foot of the bed, resting his head propped up on his hand.

"I- what the fuck Mattia, why can't I just be happy?" She questioned, upset and hurt over what he planned to do.

"Because no one should be allowed to make you happy except me!" He responded nonchalantly, seeing his actions as no big deal.

"Yeah well we broke up because you couldn't make me happy. You made me fucking hate myself, I spent awhile burying away my feelings and doubting myself. Thinking I was never good enough all because you had the audacity to cheat with my supposed best friend!" She shouted angrily, tears rolling down her face as she brought herself closer to Mattia.

All of what was happening shocked Mattia, considering Alessya wasn't someone to be so angry. When she expressed herself, she was always sad, wanting to curl up into a ball and cry. So to see her do an entire 180 and actually express herself in anger, it was surprising.

"I-uh," was all Mattia was able to muster out in the moment, not sure of how to respond. But his eyebrows furrowed together in anger as he glared at her. Upset that she was blaming him for their break-up. Clearly it was her fault.

"Look at you, you don't even feel bad for hurting me Mattia! We're grown as fuck, we're eighteen already! And you have the audacity to still not admit to your mistakes! I've waited two months, two, just to receive an apology from you. For you to realize you fucked up and hurt me, don't you think I at least deserve that much??" She asked as her chest began to tighten, but she continued to fight the tears from completely spilling over, not wanting to burst out in a fit of crying and weeping.

At the sound of hearing that, he finally couldn't stand to hear anymore. "Alessya! You really think this is my fault?" He asked as he stood up off the bed, to his full height of 6'1. "This is no ones fault, let alone my fault, but yours!" He stated angrily, pointing down at her. He was Italian, of course he had to speak with his hands.. "The reason we didn't last had nothing to do with me, I stood by your side being a good boyfriend for two fucking years! And I couldn't even get a handjob?" He questioned before letting out a humorless laugh. "I'm a man, a guy with needs Alessya! I could only wait so long, so first chance I got at someone giving me what you couldn't, fuck yeah I took it!" He stated before running a hand through his hair frustratingly.

Looking down at Alessya's figure, he could see the tears clouding her vision, soon no longer being able to hold in her tears anymore. And did Mattia feel an ounce of remorse for the words that escaped his lips?? No, because his vision was clouded by anger. All he could see was red.

"Fuck you," Alessya responded, barely above a whisper as she slid off the bed, standing at her height of 4'11.

"What?" Mattia asked, looking down at the tiny figure standing before him.

"Fuck you!" Alessya stated, shouting it this time as she mustered enough strength to shove him back angrily. He didn't even stumble, seeing as he was stronger than her by a lot. "I fucking loved you, I trusted you! I gave you my all, and you couldn't even remain loyal just because I was saving myself?!" She questioned, bewildered by what he just confessed. "I was planning on finally having sex with you on my eighteenth birthday asshole, because I stupidly thought 'wow my boyfriend is the best, he waited this long by my side and stayed loyal. Maybe he is right for me,' but no! You really aren't shit Mattia!" Alessya shouted as she began to huff out breaths of air, trying to regain her breathing. Being taken over by her anger.

"Shut the fuck up!" Mattia shouted, closing the distance between the two as he grabbed a handful of her hair, yanking her head back to look up at him fully. "You, Alessya, always thought you were so fucking special. Like you're this saint and you're better than everyone. But the reality of it all is, you aren't shit. You don't mean shit to anyone, especially your family. Reason why you're always alone, you will forever be alone. I won't be surprised if you fucking die alone honestly," he spat out, not being able to hold his tongue on his insensitive words.

Within the blink of an eye, Alessya grabbed him by his shirt, pulling him down to her height before pressing her lips against his. Him happily giving in as he kissed back. The make-out becoming heated very fast, full of lust and anger.

On Alessya's night stand, her phone began to buzz. A notification for an incoming call, from Mar.. But the buzzing were ignored, the two being too invested into the kiss to notice.

Y'all gonna probably hate me for this chapter, but oops- it was bound to happen honestly, she still loves the guy. 😂 but im tossing up the chapters tonight, spent the past two nights with a killer headache and debating which route to take this book in.

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