𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢

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— Back in NJ

Sitting around in Mattia's basement, Alondra had confronted Mattia the moment he arrived back home from his trip to Canada. She had contacted Mar and found out that he lied about being with Mar, instead finding out that he was with Alessya.

She was fuming, hurt and upset; by the fact that he could so easily lie to her, along with the thoughts of what the two could've possibly done. After arguing with him, practically venting out her feelings, all he was able to say was "ok."

What the hell type of answer was ok? Did he really not care that badly? Currently they were separated. Mattia sitting at his desk playing FIFA, meanwhile Alondra stood seated on the couch with Yami. The boys seated on the bed, beside Mattia to watch him play.

"So what happened?" Yami whispered over to Alondra, wanting to know how the argument went, without alerting the guys to what they were talking about.

"He came back, and I pulled up to confront him. Telling him I knew, and I was hurt. Like I love him, I thought we were honest with each other. And to find this out through a stranger, it hurt.." Alondra explained with a sigh, still not knowing what could've happened while he was over in another country with his ex.

Through it all, Yami was annoyed to say the least, when having to listen to her best friends relationship drama. Yami was a middleman, knowing practically everything but not saying anything. She knew of the affair between Alondra and Mattia, but never spoke up. Solely brought on by fear, fear that Alondra would retaliate by taking Yami's man. And that would be an easy task considering Alondra already had Kairi..

It was no secret from the group that all the guys admired Alondra, due to the fact that she was this lowkey freak. Being best friends with each other, they would share their experiences and secrets about her, with each other. So at first chance that they had at trying her out, they would.

Reason why Alondra was called a homie hopper, she wants the whole crew.. She was the only girl that brocode didn't apply to, because no one really had feelings for her.. And if they did, they never came out to say it publicly.

Yami wanted to speak the truth, on what she really thought about the whole situation. But seeing as Alondra needed a sense of comfort right now, she would keep her mouth shut.

"Yami, are you listening?" Alondra spoke out sassily, upset that she wasn't listening to her problems.

"Huh? Oh yeah, of course." Yami responded before looking away, rolling her eyes momentarily. Fed up with Alondra and the fact that she would act like such a snob at times. As much as Yami hated to admit it, she liked to see Alondra hurt.

If it came to Alondra and Alessya, everything Alondra had coming at her, she deserved. Alessya on the other hand was a sweet person, always has been, and didn't deserve anything but happiness.

"Yo, Alé, did you get an invite too?" Kairi attempted to whisper over to Alejandro, failing miserably at how loud he spoke.

"Invited to what?" Mattia asked loudly, pausing his game before looking over at the two boys on his bed.

They were all chilling and waiting for their Florida boys and their mystery girlfriends to land, so that they could go and pick them up.

"Huh, what? Nothing." Kairi responded quickly, trying to cover up whatever he was about to talk about.

"Alejandro," Mattia stated as he looked over at him with a stern look, wanting to know already. It was rare for Mattia to call him by his full first name, so Alejandro knew he was serious.

"Uh, um.." Alejandro hesitated, being brought out his thoughts by Mattia's gaze hardening. "Alessya's birthday party," Alejandro sputtered out, hated the fact that he was being put on the spot.

"Alessya's birthday party," Mattia repeated softly, realizing that her birthday was in a week. Snapping out his thoughts, he realized they were talking about being sent an invite.

Pulling his phone out quickly, he scrolled through his notifications to see if he missed the message about receiving an invite as well. But to his luck, he was never sent one. Quickly swiveling around in his chair to face the girls sitting behind him.

"You two, either of you get invited?" He asked, wanting to make sure he wasn't the only one. In a brief second, both girls had their phones out, checking their messages. While Alondra shook her head, Yami nodded hers.

"You got invited?" Mattia asked Yami with a scoff, not shocked that it was only him and Alondra who weren't welcomed.

"Yeah?" Yami answered hesitantly, not liking the way he had asked her.

Just as Mattia was about to speak once more, the sound of his phone ringing interrupted him. Quick to pick up without looking at the caller ID first.

"Hello?" He spoke out, putting his phone on speaker.

"Mattia?" The sound of a familiar female voice could be heard, but it was a voice that hasn't been heard in months.

"Who is that?" Alondra spoke up, rising from her seat as she began to get upset, thinking it was another side fling calling him.

"Tia, get my ass off speaker." The girl spoke up again, causing Mattia to grab his phone and listen to the girls request. Looking down at his phone at the caller ID, he nodded his head as he realized who it was.

"Okay, what's up?" He spoke into the phone, knowing no one besides him could hear what she was saying.

"There's nothing secretive about this, I just really don't want to talk to your bitch ass girlfriend." Jasmine started as she responded, "Alvaro said to let you know that we just landed, so start heading this way while we get settled before being able to leave the plane." She informed, waiting on an answer.

"Say less," Mattia spoke out before hanging up the phone.

Standing from his spot in the chair, he stretched out his long limbs before tossing his north face over his hoodie.

"The boys landed, let's go," Mattia informed before grabbing hold of his keys off the desk.

"You never answered me, who the fuck was that Mattia?" Alondra asked once more, angrily as she trailed behind him out the house, waiting on an answer.

"Shut the fuck up and get in the car, or take your ass home. Don't fucking question me like that," he stated frustratingly as he made sure everyone left the house before locking up behind them.

Without another word, Alondra rolled her eyes before heading in the opposite direction of the car, going to walk home. Not liking the way she was being treated by him, especially in front of all their friends.

"Yo bro, you gonna let her walk home in this cold ass weather?" Alejandro asked, hesitant to get in the car as he watched her walk away, her arms hugging herself as she walked.

Without a second wasted, Mattia hopped into the car and started it up, Kairi and Yami following suit.

"If you want to be Prince Charming, you can walk with her. If not, shut the fuck up and get in the car. We need to pick up our boys," Mattia stated in a bored tone, not wanting to deal with her.

Letting out a sigh of defeat, he shook his head before hopping into the passenger seat. Them driving off, past Alondra's shivering figure and towards the airport.

In case y'all forgot, Jasmine was in the first few chapters, reason why Mattia knows her. She moved away so they haven't seen or heard from her in a few months. Just to clear up any confusion.

𝐄𝐍𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐌 ➔ 𝘔𝘈𝘙𝘐𝘈𝘕𝘖 𝘊𝘈𝘚𝘛𝘈𝘕𝘖Where stories live. Discover now