𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢-𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎

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Walking away from the boys with Alondra behind her, she went toward the backroom, where there was less noise and people.

"Ok, speak." Alessya said as she took a seat upon the bench, getting comfortable to hear whatever bullshit came out Alondra's mouth.

"I'm sorry," Alondra stated shamefully, looking at Alessya to show she was being sincere.

"Wait what?" Alessya asked as she sat up straight, wanting to know if what she heard was real.

"I said... I'm sorry Alessya," Alondra repeated as she began to fidget nervously. Not being someone who likes to own up to her actions and apologize.

Reason why her and Mattia were so perfect for each other, they were literally the female/male version of each other. But that's also probably why they didn't last, because they were too much alike.

"Huh, didn't know it did that," she muttered under her breath before laughing, not being able to contain herself.

"Alessya I'm trying to be serious here for a second and you can't even keep a straight face," Alondra stated frustratingly as she looked down at the tiny female.

"Sweetie, nothing on you, but I'm high as fuck right now. So don't fucking mind me, really." Alessya informed as her giggles died down.

"Right, well I just wanted to be mature and say I was sorry, and ask if we could start over?" Alondra asked as she twiddled her thumbs together.

With the sound of that question being asked, Alessya broke out into a louder fit of laughter. Soon getting a grip on herself and trying to catch her breath. "Oh fuck no." She stated as she let little giggles escape, finding it funny that she found it appropriate to ask that after causing her so much pain and developing trust issues. "You ruined me, you've caused me nothing but pain and betrayal. You and Mattia, I'll be damned if I ever let either of you in my life again."

"Ok but things are dif-," Alondra tried explaining, only to be cut off by Alessya.

"Shut the fuck up with that different bullshit. Whose to say you won't come after my boyfriend again? No one ever truly changes, especially a hoe." Alessya stayed with hatred in her voice, rising to her feet.

Alondra stood there with her mouth agape, not expecting any of these words to be coming from Alessya. She had been apart from her for so long that she didn't even get to know the new version of herself and to see that she had changed into.

Alessya was now a female that stood up for herself, she never sugar coated anything and wasn't afraid of the truth. She no longer ran away from her problems, she faced them head on. And she really couldn't thank anyone other than Merrit and Mar.

Within the past 5 months of being around them, she was able to become herself, to let loose. They had motivated and pushed her, building up her self confidence to let her know she was able of doing many things. To not be afraid of anyone, and that's all she could ask for.

"Listen sweetie, I'm fine being civil with you, mainly because I blame Mattia for cheating. But you were my best friend, you were there through my entire relationship with him, and you still chose to go after him. So I'm sorry if I'm not very welcoming of you." Alessya explained as she ran a hand through her curls.

Taking a moment to soak in all that has been said to her, she couldn't do much but to slowly nod her head. "I understand and respect your decision, that's all I could ask for.." Alondra responded as she sighed, twisting the rings that decorated her fingers.

"Now if you excuse me, I have a party to host." With that being said, Alessya parted ways with her to join the crowd.

— — —

The sight of Kairi brought back Merrit of all her memories of the two. She loved Kairi once upon a time, and would always have a soft spot for him. Especially considering he was her first, and they never ended on bad terms. They just stopped talking due to Yami.

But she knew she couldn't be around him after what had happened the last time, especially with his girlfriend around. She wasn't going to be known as a home-wrecker.

First chance she got at snapping out her thoughts, she turned on her heel before making her way through the crowd, away from Kairi. The only person on her mind now was to look for her boyfriend, Samy.

And that's exactly what she set out to do, making a beeline around the house, but Samy nowhere in sight. Weird.. Catching sight of her boys, she was even more confused to see that Samy wasn't amongst them.

"Hey Luca, have you seen Samy?" Merrit asked as she approached the boys taking shots and conversing. Malcom was the only sober one, and that was primarily due to the fact that he hated drinking and smoking.

"Uh nah, he's been gone for awhile. Hurried upstairs saying he had to use the bathroom though," Luca informed her with a shrug before going back to talking to the others.

Letting out a sigh of defeat, she turned once more before making her way towards the stairs, ascending them to go check on him. Maybe he had just ended up eating something bad or had too much to drink??

Struggling to make her way upstairs, pushing past the numerous amount of couples making out on the stairs, she finally arrived on the upper level. A smile of accomplishment evident across her face.

"Fucking hell," she muttered as she began walking door to door. The house was unfamiliar to everyone as well, considering this was only their second night in the house. Having spent most of the day running around to get stuff for the party anyway.

Coming across a room, she was met with the sight of a couple making out and groping each other. "Oh shit, wrong room sorry!" Merrit shouted out apologetically before covering her eyes and shutting the door.

But just as quick as she shut it, the image began to process in her mind, of what she had just seen. Her eyebrows furrowing in confusion before slowly opening the door back up, her eyes watering as she realized it was real.

There sitting before her, half naked, had been Samy and Yvenka.. Them staring back at her with shock and guilt plastered across their faces.

"Merrit," Samy called out to explain, not wanting to seem like the bad guy.

Not giving him a chance, all she could do was shake her head before closing the door and slowly making her way back downstairs. Fighting back the tears from spilling over.

All she knew was she wanted to forget, and that's exactly what she planned on doing. Making her way over to the kitchen to start taking shots with the others. But if only she realized how fucked up she was going to get, someone should've stopped her..

𝐄𝐍𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐌 ➔ 𝘔𝘈𝘙𝘐𝘈𝘕𝘖 𝘊𝘈𝘚𝘛𝘈𝘕𝘖Where stories live. Discover now