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Taeyong Focus-6:15 am:

I will admit, waking up to hear my parents arguing over pancakes and waffles isn't the oddest thing ever. I groaned as I got out of bed and walked over to the kitchen while rubbing my eyes. Though I was only dressed in a large hoodie, boxers and socks didn't matter, as it's normal by now.

As I entered the kitchen, my parents stopped bickering and settled to eggs and bacon it seems. Mother looked over and smiled at me.

"Yongie! Good morning, did your father and I wake you up?"
"Nah... I was actually about to throw my phone in anger as my alarm was being a bitch"

I heard father give a chuckle at my sentence as he pat my back. He then handed me a piece of newspaper as he continued helping mom with the food. Sitting down, I read the piece of parchment I was handed.

"Famous Jung Jaehyun is rumored to be looking for someone to date? Dad, why do I need to see this?"
"Dunno son, maybe you should go and see if he's your type"
"Dad, He's 23! I'm only 17!"
"That's your restarted age Honey, your real age would be 165"
"But Still! We restarted it so I'm 17"

Slamming the paper down, just seemed to make my parents laugh more. They really didn't act like an angel and demon, they acted more like teenagers, but hey? They're like my best friends. A thought then came to mind.

"Hey, where's my dance bag mom?"
"By the doorway to the hallway, why? Are you going to the studio?"

I nodded as I jumped-not literally-off the stool and headed to my room as I stretched my arms. Grabbing the outfit mom thankfully already picked out, I walked into the bathroom to wash myself. (I'm not going into detail here cause, what the fuck) Stepping out, all that was necessary was a snap and I was dried and dressed. Heading back into the kitchen, I saw all the food all done and waiting for me to devour. Papa was having a chat with mom over strawberries and cherries? Seriously what the heck is wrong with my parents. I looked down as a bark was heard and saw Ruby waging her tail. Looking up, my parents were still bickering and made me sigh.

"How about you put that chat on hold and focus on eating or feeding Ruby? Depends as I'll do either"

Mom decided to feed Ruby as dad went to start making coffee for the three of us. I finally finished eating and drinking the coffee and went to get my bag as I heard mom shout to me.

"You might wanna hide those horns of yours!"
"Got it mom!!"

Yeah, I once nearly went in public with my devil horns and tail out. I grabbed my things and walked out the door after shouting a goodbye to my parents and Ruby, I headed out. Everyone seemed to be cold, but I didn't feel it, as my endurance to pain and temperature are much higher than humans. Being told to wear certain clothing to fit in though was odd but it's comfy.

 Being told to wear certain clothing to fit in though was odd but it's comfy

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No One's Focus-8:56 am:

The boy walked down the streets as he looked down at the floor in front of him. No one really paid attention to him but some have confused looks because of his mask. There's a reason for it actually. His dad made Taeyong wear it so that people wouldn't pay attention to him for his looks since he knows his son is rather shy and easily flustered. 'I mean, anything works' Taeyong stopped as he heard music in front him him and looked up to see a group of street dancers. The boy walked over and joined the crowd forming around that were cheering the group on. After the song ended, Taeyong clapped happily with the crowd as, what seemed like the main dancer, spoke up after a few moments.

"Would any of you guys like to dance here? Give us a song and you can put it on. Any volunteers?"

The crowd went quiet for a few moments and just looked at one another as the boy looked to the floor again. Taeyong then flinched as he felt a hand place itself on his shoulder and looked up. It was one of the dancers he saw that gave him a smile.

"Would you like to dance?"

After pondering and feeling the crowd's eyes on him, the boy nodded and started taking off his backpack and placing it by the speaker as he heard cheers. He walked over and connected his phone, scrolling to a certain song he hand in mind. Everyone seemed to anticipate what the boy was gonna do as one of the dancers spoke.

"Now guys, please don't judge him by his dance or anything like that. I also hope you're not too pressured and mess up"

'Bitch please' Taeyong mentally scoffed as he got ready to begin his dance. After the song ended, the male stood there for a while as he pretended to be slightly out of breath, as most humans would be. Now Taeyong wasn't one to be really cocky or such, but the stunned faces, silence and shock of the crowd and group made Taeyong smirk beneath his mask as he got his phone and bag. As he was about to leave, the main dance grabbed his arm and spoke after pure silence besides the cars and others around.

"That.. was.. Amazing..!!"

Soon enough, the crowd started clapping and cheering too, making the boy feel flustered. The dancers all gave him a high five and such as the main dancer spoke again.

"What's your name?"
"Do you not feel comfortable giving us your name? That's fine, is there any nickname we can call you by?"
"... call me what you like"
"Then Divine Dancer is the only thing that describes you"

With that, the boy left the group as he went to go to his personal studio. Taeyong ignored all noise around him as he continued walking, as he wasn't much to socialize. He did feel better after dancing and smiled and walked faster when he saw the building where his studio was come to view. As he crossed the corner, he nearly bumped into a male but stopped and backed up. He looked to see the man was a bit taller than him, foreign looking, and wore a formal shirt, blazer and slacks.

"Sorry about that"
"Heh, that was a close call, but no worries. Good day lad"
"Good day sir"

The boy walked inside the building and greeted the woman at the counter, as they slowly became friends over the time he had his own studio. The female waved and smiled as she went back to doing paperwork. As he was about to go to the elevator, she called for him.

"Apparently there's going to be people claiming some studios on your floor"

That got Taeyong's attention. The floor he's on, he's the only one there. He turned back to the woman who didn't once look up as he walked over.

"How many are they claiming?"
"I think up to 3, I'm not too certain, now you go and dance your heart out. But remember, some people might come soon to check the studios out"

Taeyong nodded as he walked over to the elevator and going to his desired location.

Divine Dancer{JaeYong}Where stories live. Discover now