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Jaehyun Focus:

The adult practically fell off his bed as he heard his friend scream at him.


Jaehyun looked up to see Yuta there standing with their manager AeTae behind him who was laughing. Yuta was dressed in a causal attire while AeTae was dressed in a more formal look. The male on the floor groaned as he stood up and put the cover back on the bed. AeTae then walked over to the door with Yuta following.

"Remember that we're going to dance studios today, we have someone waiting for us. I'm going to go on ahead while you guys come whenever you're all ready"

The male looked to see the time read 7:26 am. 'Damn, let's get ready to meet this someone waiting'

Taeyong Focus:

The nephilim started nodding his head to some music he had put on. He didn't want to dance yet, so he held back on that. He decided to wait for AeTae and her artists in his studio, as he felt uneasy at the thought of just waiting in the hall. He adorned a white flu mask as usual to cover up his face by orders of his parents. A knock was heard on the door and so the boy walked over. It was AeTae. He opened the door and walked into the hall.

"Hello Flower, I hope you didn't wait long, my artists will come later"
"That's alright ma'am I was just here for 15 minutes"

She smiled and walked the boy over to a different studio, which now has things in it. It was odd to Taeyong as this floor was empty for maybe 6 months with only him and friends on it. AeTae walked in and placed a bag she had on a chair, before speaking again.

"So Flower, would you like showing a dance to my artists?"
"I wouldn't mind that, and can I know the age group in these artists?"
"One is 19 and two are 24"

Taeyong's Perspective:

'Well damn, how will they react when they find out I'm supposedly 17?' I put these thoughts off as I went to choose a song to dance to.

"Oh, also my friends might come over to help"
"Oh right, Johnny and .. what was his name?"

She nodded just as there was a knock on the door, it was my friends. I happily walked over and let them in.

"Hey, we dropped our things off at your studio Flower, we both got a free day today too"

I nodded this time as we then waited patiently for the artists AeTae had chosen. After about 10 minutes, a man with a simple outfit came in with three incredibly handsome guys, like DAMN.

'Okay, chill, your inner gay is coming out Tae'
'Shut up Johnny'

I then recognized two of the guys as Haechan and.. Jaehyun?! Taken aback, I looked at my friends who also looked astonished. The artists didn't seem surprised by our reaction. AeTae smiled as she directed to us.

"Guys, this here is Johnny, Hansol, and Flower. The males who would help with dance, especially Flower"
"Wait, why is your name Flower and why are you wearing a mask?"

I was a bit confused by that blunt question from the man but Hansol then put an arm in front of me as if he was defending me. I felt happy to have these friends with me.

"His nickname is Flower because he's not comfortable with sharing his name"
"And he's wearing the mask because of reasons that are personal"

As I nodded to comfirm what they said, AeTae spoke again.

"Okay, This here is Jaehyun, Yuta, and Haechan. These three are one of my best idols and I do wish to see their dance improve in some aspects. Would you three like to show that dance I saw you practice yesterday?"

We all nodded happily as Hansol went to put the song on. The three artists and older adults sat down in some provided chairs as my friends and I got into position. I couldn't help but smile underneath my mask for a second before we started.

As we finished, we didn't hear anything or anyone, it was if the world stopped. Panic started filling me up before Hansol spoke telepathically.

'Let's get out of the pose guys, they seem to enjoy it'

Oh yeah, he had mind reading abilities. We stood straight again as we looked at their faces. AeTae seemed proud, the artists seemed shocked along with the man. I shyly rubbed my nape as I looked at the floor. It was Haechan that broke this silence as he practically ran over to us and bounced up and down excitedly.

"That's was incredible, you all dance so well!"

I could feel myself blush underneath my mask, which made me cover my already clothed face. Hansol and Johnny just froze before thanking him. And here I am being a shy and flustered piece of shit. Yuta was the second to speak as he came closer.

"How old are you guys?"

Hansol froze as he looked at me with a cocked brow. He knew I didn't want to really answer this question since I restarted my age a bit later, making me so young. I gave him a pleading gaze, which seemed to make the others besides Johnny confused. Thankfully that giant brunet spoke.

"I'm 19 along with Hansol. T- I mean FLOWER here is 17"

I heard everyone gasp besides those who already knew, especially Haechan. The young adult just smiled and ran up to me, hugging me tightly. If I wasn't a nephilim I would probably be struggling for air and have my bones crushed from how tight it is. When he pulled away he had one of the biggest and brightest smiles I've ever seen (and I've seen many!) that I couldn't help but smile myself.
'Is he some angel that I don't know of?'

"I'm finally older than someone else! And he's so cute~~~!"

He hugged me again so I giggled. AeTae rolled her eyes playfully as she spoke.

"Alright, let him go, you're gonna crush him"

The boy reluctantly did let me go. I looked over at Yuta and Jaehyun who were laughing their butts off. I pouted and crossed my arms turning back to my friends.

'I'm salty now'
'Well, suck it up buttercup because Jaehyun is coming this way'

Though Hansol told me, I still flinched as I heard the said male behind me. I turned back around and felt a bit intimidated by him. Yeah Hansol and Johnny are in the same height group and have somewhat similar builds, but he just has this aura.

"You have great potential, Flower. I'm glad that AeTae managed to find you, as you really do have talent"

I just laughed a bit as the still unknown man spoke. The three artists looked over to him.

"Guys, I just got a call that fans found out you guys are here, at a PUBLIC dance studio..."
"And? We usually go to restaurants and such just fine, why is this special?"
"There's more than just fans Jaehyun"

I then heard screams emerge, making my friends and I snap our heads to the door. I immediately ran to it as I shouted.

"I'll sort it out, don't worry!"

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