Present Pt.1

42 7 5

Hwan's Pov

We're still finding dongpyo even if it's 2:30 in the morning when I notice someone sitting near at the park when we go there I see dongpyo but he has so many bruise and he looks so pale and going to pass out junhyuk reflexes is so fast he catch dongpyo and we can finally saw donpyo's face he looks so sad and miserable we don't know the whole situation we only that dongpyo wants to quit x1 some staff of dsp talk to me and junhyuk that dongpyo will stay at our dorm at first we are shock but happy at the same time cause we miss dongpyo but the situation right now is so messy.

"Hwan we need to bring dongpyo to the hospital stop day dreaming"junhyuk said to me.

"We need to call byungchan hyung that we find dongpyo" I said to junhyuk but junhyuk said "you can tell them later dngpyo need to be checked right now"so I agree to junhyuk cause he need to be check and if the bruise are bad or not.

we take a cab to bring dongpyo to hospital cause he became unconscious after we see him. after 10 minutes we arrived at the hospital some doctor and nurses assist us cause the press can't know about what is happening cause it will be a big issue to the group and to the company,junhyuk is facing back n fort waiting for the doctor cause they are checking dongpyo's body if there is more serious injury.

"Junhyk I will call byungchan hyung to inform them that we find dongpyo" junhyuk stop and nod to me and he sit down cause he is nervous to the result of dongpyo's test.

"Don't be nervous junhyuk he will be okay he is so strong" I said to him and smile before I call byungchan hyung.

~~~~~c a l l I n g b y u n g c h a n h y u n g~~~~~~~

"Hwan why are you calling it's 3:00 in the morning and why are you not sleeping" byungchan hyung said to me

"We find dongpyo byungchan hyung we are here at the hospital now cause we find him in the park with so many bruises and super pale

"Where is your location?? im going their" byungchan hyung said to me

"Hyung can you explain to us what is happening causee we are so clueless in this situation this is making me confuse." I said to byungchan hyung on the line.

"Okay okay but please inform me what is the result of dongpyo's test result" byungchan hyung said

"Yes hyung" I said before the call end.

When the call end the doctor came ot he looks so serious and that's make me nervous.

"What is your relation to the patient?" the doctor ask us.

"We are his friend how is he??" I ask the doctor

"He is fine now he just need to rest and according to his medical his bruises are not too deep but he need to stay still cause we need to stitch his arm cause we see some open wounds but overall he is okay but im not sure if he will be awake today cause his body is so tired" the doctor said to us we are happy that dongpyo is okay but he is still not awake maybe he is so tired,his face is so pale and his lips is so dry.

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