Chapter 6

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Irene sneezed multiple times as she dust off the window.

"You should've worn a face mask. Here." Bogum, her supervisor and owner of the small cafe handed her a face mask.

Irene removed her eyeglasses to wipe the dirt that's been blurring her vision.

"You know that those rude girls are just feeling insecure around you right?"
Bogum asked, while he counts the money in the counter.

"Huh? What?" Irene wear her glasses and look at the man behind the counter.
"Why would they feel insecure when they are the one who looks successful. Are you crazy?" She rolled her eyes and return to her task.

Bogum look at her, "You look too perfect. Even wearing ragged clothes wont make you look like a beggar. Your thick eyeglasses can't hide your pretty face." He said with a wink.

Irene tried to hide the blush that is creeping on her face.
She throws a rag to Bogum but he immediately dodge it.
"You're crazy. Sweet words won't get you nowehere Sir. Are you trying to console me? Well, its not working."

He was about to retort when someone entered the cafe.

"I'm sorry but we are already close" he said before looking at the said customer.

The girl removed her cap to reveal herself.

"Ah Yoo Jung!" Irene greeted her excitedly.

Bogum just sighed at the sight of her.

"Will you stop wearing guy's clothes for pete's sake! Someone might mistaken you as a robber or anyone suspicious."

Yoo Jung just ignored Bogum and his rants and went to Irene.
"Unnie! Look what I got! I have a surprise for you!" Yoo Jung excitedly handed her a pamphlet.

"What's this?" Irene read what's written on the paper. "So..Burger sale buy 1 take 1?"

Yoo Jung rolled her eyes and turn the paper.
"Here! Look!" She pointed the ad at the back.

"They are hiring! You should apply!" Yoo Jung walk around the cafe."I think its really time for you to leave this Coffee shop. There's no growth here!"  She stick out her tongue to Bogum annoyingly.

Bogum just shook his head over her childish antics.

"No. Don't say that. At least this Cafe saved me from being broke. I can't let my Aunt pay for everything while I'm still looking for a decent job. Besides its fun working with you two!"

She look again on the ad. She's gonna try her luck.

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