Chapter 9

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Chapter 8

It was past 8, and they are waiting at the EL-GEE lobby when a guy approached them handing them visitor IDs.

"Thank you for waiting sir, you may proceed to the East Wing, 12th floor."

Jinyoung then nodded. Irene was a bit nervous since she is going to meet the Sales Manager of this big company. Good thing she is with Jinyoung, at least he was able to help prepare for this meeting.


"We're here, " Jinyoung smiled at her and gesturing her to exit. "After you."

"Thanks." Irene then step forward and held the papers tightly in her arms, suddenly she's cold.

She felt a hand tap her shoulders.

"Nervous? Don't worry, I know this person. We're almost of same age. Not really intimidating to be honest. Relax."

With those words, it made her relax a bit. They entered the glass door. They were assisted by a receptionist.

The receptionist gave them glass of juice and Irene took a sip,

"Miss Sana is waiting for you. She'll be here in a moment." And she left.

Irene suddenly burst out the juice she was drinking and almost choke after hearing the name.

"What??! Sana?? She's the sales manager here??!"

Jinyoung didn't expect her reaction and pats her back.
"Are you ok? You know Sana?"

"So, look who is here? Jinyoung oppa, you didn't tell me that Irene is your new assistant."

They both looked up to see Sana,smirking at her. Her longs legs exposed by her skimpy skirt.

Irene look at her shirt soaked by the juice she just drink.

"I'm sorry, I think I need to go to the washroom."

Jinyoung noticed it, and handed her his handkerchief.
"Do you know your way to the bathroom? Want me to come with you?"

Sana smiled at Jinyoung. He never changed.

"No. I'm ok. I can ask around. You can start the meeting without me. I'll catch up as soon as possible." With that she left.

Darn it. What's happening to her? So what if Sana is the Sales manager? She sighed looking for the washroom.

She was checking her stained shirt when she bumped to some wide and sturdy that cause her to lose her balance.

"Watch where you're going."

She look up to see who she bumped into and to her surprise, its no other than Kim Seokjin.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2020 ⏰

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